237 Missions to Enjoy in the Rome of This Age (Acts 19:21) 10/27/2019

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237 Missions to Enjoy in the Rome of This Age (Acts 19:21)        10/27/2019


The passage records Paul’s plan to go into Jerusalem, and ultimately visit Rome after having finished all his works. Why did he long to go to Rome? In Jerusalem, he had to stand in court. At that time, God comes to the prison cell and tells him, “As you had testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome” (Acts 23:11). When Paul faced a storm at sea, God said, “You must stand trial before Caesar” and saves all those who sailed with him (Acts 27:24).

If we truly think about what God desires (absolute plan) and devote ourselves, it does not matter what we face along the way.

God will transform everything into blessings that stretch beyond our level. God’s work is not done by our money or power. Those things are given to us when we think about what God would find pleasing. If it is surely God’s plan, there is nothing we must worry nor be stubborn about. God will accurately lead you by his word and guidance.

We are living in the United States – the Rome of this age. Why did God call us to this superpower nation? What does God desire from us as individuals and churches?


  1. Why did evangelist Paul desperately want to go to Rome? We must live with God’s reason for our lives on this earth.

We must discover God’s absolute plan where we are in this nation. God had called us for unique works that only we can do (Nobody).

1) The United States is the Rome of this age, where people from all over the world are gathered.

Thus, the U.S. is the ultimate missions field, and it is our greatest blessing to be able to do multi-ethnic ministry here.

2) The problem is that we are also directly exposed to all the spiritual problems of this world.

There is a prophecy about Babylon the Great in the end times (Revelations 18:2-3). The beginning of Babylon was Genesis 11, where curses were upon the Babel Tower. There, the very first empire of the human race began with Mesopotamia. Every age, a great nation arises and it becomes a sanctuary for all kinds of dark spirits and demons.

What is our calling on earth? A nation once founded on the beliefs of the Puritans shouting “God bless America” and sent out missionaries to all over the world is now spiritually crumbled. We must feel responsible for this spiritual destruction and hear the voice of God as we see what is happening. God has raised us up as the watchmen of this nation. We are like the land of Sodom and Gomorrah, that did not even have 10 righteous men.

If we lose hold of this in America, we will become like Lot who suffered and lost everything in Sodom and Gomorrah.


  1. What must we do to save America? Our church must act as the spiritual platform that will save all people.

If we understand the spiritual problems that underlie this nation, and why it is Only Christ that solved those problems, and what the spiritual strength that comes from Him is, then we and our church will be able to become a platform that supports all people that gather.

1) In all problems and circumstances, discover why it must be Only Christ.

The problems may seem like something that people simply go through, but they are not. They may surface as mere physical, emotional and financial problems, but spiritual aspects are always associated. Christ came as the three solutions to the three spiritual problems.

What are the three spiritual problems? It is the curse of original sin that we are subject to unbeknownst to us. It may have begun at birth, or it may be something that traces back to your family line or childhood. This is what Satan uses, and these curses are from Satan. He continuously creates failures and pain that we cannot understand (Jon 10:10). Our lives become hell on earth. This is the curse of hell.

Christ came with three authorities that solved these three fundamental problems. He came as the true priest to free us from all curses (Romans 8:1-2), He came as the king to end Satan’s works (1John 3:8), and He came as the prophet to open up a way for us to meet God and reach heaven (John 14:6). When we correctly know this Christ, enjoy Him, and proclaim Him, all our lives’ curses will come to an end, we will be healed, and we will face the turning point of our lives (spiritual leverage).

2) We must have a time of scheduled prayer to receive the strength that God gives at least once a day.

Satan is coming at us with great force to deceive and attack us (Ephesians 6:11-12).

However, Satan cannot overcome the power of the Holy Spirit that resides in us. When we pray, the kingdom of God comes upon our fields. Angels a mobilized and Satan loses his power. 5 powers are then restored inside of us.

With that power, we are able to save those who we meet. We are able to bless them.  

This is the vessel that we must enjoy. God will use all our problems and circumstances to carry out works of saving the 237 nations. This is what God confirmed to Paul in prison and the storm.

3) When you are within this blessing, your posterity will also be able to enjoy this blessing together. It is automatically relayed onto them (blessing of transmissions).

You are relaying the covenant, the blessings, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual strength. The children under those parents and adults in the church grow up to do important things that save the age. Before Moses was the God-fearing Jochebed, and before Samuel was Hannah who gave true devotion to God.


  1. We must raise up disciples of the remnants that follow us to commission them out to different fields and parts of the world (spiritual outsourcing).

1) Our prayers are for raising up three summits that God blesses and uses (God’s absolute objective).

We are raising remnants that possess the spiritual summit and spirituality. They are honing their specialties to save the world through skills summit. They are saving people are them and changing the spiritual flow around them through culture summit. That is the life of the evangelist.

2) Start by praying and devoting yourself to that one person you meet (our absolute devotion).

It sounds simple, but it may not be that easy. All remnants must hold onto the mission of saving one nation. Learn the culture and language of that nation and challenge yourself.

3) We are raising these individuals and sending them out to the 237 nations of the world. This is the reason we established the Remnant University in America.

I hope that you pray for the five goals of Remnant University (cultivation of future ministers, training of evangelist lay-leaders, and training and commissioning of young businessmen, training of native pastors of 237 nations, training of remnants of the 237 nations).


Conclusion – Hold onto your reason for living in the United States, God’s absolute plan and absolute goal. We are the ones standing amidst greatest blessings. We are raising up remnants to save 237 nations. May you receive God’s strength.

10.27.19 English
