A Bartizan for the Three Spiritual Wars (Isaiah 55:3-5) 8/13/2023

25 Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

A Bartizan for the Three Spiritual Wars (Isaiah 55:3-5)                          8/13/2023


Since last week, we have been sharing the message about the Remnant Age. Why must this Remnant Age come? In verse 4, it says that remnants will rise and become the witnesses, leaders and commanders of all peoples. Why must an age like this come?

First, this age will continue to be difficult (3 ages). Even unbelievers know that endless disasters will continue. The ones God has left behind for this time are the remnants. They are the holy seed that God has remained (Isaiah 6:3). They will be the ones who will remain, the ones who remain, and the ones who will leave behind and become “witness to the peoples.” That is why the remnant is God’s absolute covenant.

Second, these hardships are not just hardships. Satan, the governor of the world of darkness, will cover all the earth (Isaiah 60:2). Revelation says that the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack the believers as its last struggle (Revelation 11:7). The absolute answer of God is the remnant. They are the ones who have the light of Christ (Ephesians 5:8). They will enjoy that light and overcome darkness (1 John 1:5). They are the ones who will proclaim that light to the world (1 Peter 2:9). This is the reason they become the “leader (spiritual summit).”

Third, these remnants must fight. The three realistic battles (spiritual battle). They will be the commanders. How important is the role of a commander in war? The world is staking everything on war in the militant warfare, technological warfare, and economical warfare. They believe that these outcomes determine whether an individual or a nation survives. We are beyond that. We are talking about a spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12).

The watchmen are the ones who will be trained for this warfare, who will gather their strengths, and fight at the forefront. We are not mere beginners. We can fight alongside Christ at the very forefront (2 Timothy 2:3). David stood in front of Goliath this way. The covenant that was given to David has been given to us in this age (3).

For this spiritual war, we need a system (bartizan). Satan has established his bartizan all throughout the world (1 Corinthians 10:4, Revelation 2:9). We and our posterity must become the bartizans that will have victory in this spiritual war. What are the three spiritual wars?


  1. Gospel warfare. When life is met with problems and suffering, the answer we can receive is the Gospel. Do you know that Satan is still giving people false answers? He was giving false answers from the beginning (Genesis 3:5). Religious leaders and shamans claim that they can give the answers, and unbelievers claim to change the world and give answers through cutting-edge technologies.

1) God who created life and the world gave us the answer to all problems of life and the world. He is Christ. The one who came as the Son of God became the unique way of salvation and answer (John 14:6, Acts 4:12). Satan will do anything to block you from realizing and proclaiming this Christ (John 1:5, 2 Corinthians 4:4). Even if you have gone to church for tens of years and devoted yourself for a long time, if you do not realize this Christ, you will be overtaken by darkness (Genesis 1:2).

2) The Gospel of Christ has completely and eternally set us free from the authority of sin, curses, destiny, Satan, and hell. Christ loved us, so he died for us and took on all curses ??(1 Peter 3:18, Colossians 1:13-14). No one can be against us, condemn us, or break us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:31-39).

3) When we look upon this Christ as “only,” our everything will become uniqueness and produce the work of recreation. When we face hardships, it is for the purpose oof experiencing this Christ become our “only” (Psalm 62:1-8). Do things that other people don’t do. Even in the smallest of tasks, if you look upon Christ, they will become masterpieces.


  1. Prayer warfare. Even unbelievers know there must be a different power (transcendental meditation movement, chi movement). That is why in their own way, they teach prayer. All religions teach prayer to receive that external power (prayers of Islam, Buddhism, Shamans)

1) Our prayer is not like those prayers. Our prayers are those that enjoy the triune God who has created all creation, saved all creation, and who sits on the throne as well as in our hearts. As he resides on the throne, he is with us by the Holy Spirit. That is why 24 prayer is possible (as you move around, as you work, as you study). We are not experiencing demonic powers. It is not a power that the world gives either. IT is the power of the throne, and the power of the Holy Spirit. That is when we can receive the power of transcending time and space, unprecedented works, and saving the 3 ages.

2) In those moments, our faith in God grows, and we can overcome three things that continue to deceive us (Mark 9:29). We will overcome ourselves that are full of weaknesses and scars, the world that is evil and enormous, and Satan (1 John 5:4). Train yourself to pray continuously within the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 6:18). From the moment you begin your new day, turn all your thoughts and events of that day into prayers that seek God’s will. Even if it is just once, have a deep time of one on one with God.

3) Hold onto a reason and do everything in prayer. We will do even greater things (John 14:12-14). That is the blessing of evangelism and missions that will save all peoples. This is the absolute reason we must enjoy true answers and blessings. you will summon nations you know not, and nations you do not know will come running to you (5). We must meet people in prayer, raise remnants, hone our specialties, and do our jobs and businesses for the sake of this world evangelization.


  1. Evangelism warfare. Satan is also evangelizing. The Islamic religion is controlling the world, and the 3 organizations are leading the world. If we correctly fight the gospel warfare and prayer warfare, we can be victorious in evangelism warfare and stand as the bartizan to save 237 nations.

1) Interpret all meetings, problems, and events as an opportunity for evangelism. Your deepest pain will save others like you and will give you the eyes to see others in greater suffering. Jesus said he came to evangelize (Mark 1:38). He bore all suffering and curses too evangelize us and save us.

2) He actually went around the entire neighborhood to evangelize (Matthew 4:23). For this work, he elected and nurtured 12 disciples and 70 worker disciples (Mark 3:13-15, Luke 10:1-9). Our schools, workplaces, businesses, and regions are the fields where we can meet the people that God has prepared. We must raise evangelism bartizans at those places.

3) What is the Upper Room movement? We must enjoy what the Mark’s Upper Room congregation enjoyed.

They did not lose hold of Christ, who is the unique and only answer (gospel warfare), and they enjoyed that Christ within prayer (prayer warfare). That is when God continuously opened the doors of evangelism, and thus even amid hardships and persecution, they were able to save the world. That is the work of Mark’s Upper Room (Acts 2:9-11, 2:47), and the work of the Antioch Church (Acts 11:19-21).

Pray so that God gives you the evidence and strength to be able to evangelize. Receive training to become an evangelist, and form oneness for evangelism and missions. This is the conclusion of our purpose in training our remnants (Acts 1:8) and in continuing various trainings and conferences. When we continue to do this, we can experience the 5 field systems, and the work of the 3 courtyards within the church will also arise (bartizan).


Conclusion – In the end times, all our congregation are the soldiers, commanders who will have victory in the three wars, and our remnants are the future commanders.

8.13.23 English Pulpit
