All Will Acknowledge that You are Blessed by the Lord (Isaiah 61:1-9) 11/26/23

Answer 25 of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

All Will Acknowledge that You are Blessed by the Lord (Isaiah 61:1-9)              11/26/23


Even if this world is struggling and we face various personal problems, as long as we hold onto the covenant of the remnant, there is nothing to fear. The bible records how the Lord guided, protected, and blessed the remnants of every age; the “ones who remain.” All we need to do is to hold accurately onto the Word and follow. God has given that to us as the covenant.

What are the three representative covenants in the Bible? Christ (solution), Remnant (remained ones of every age), and evangelism and missions. The passage explains those three things. It talks about how Christ will raise up the remained ones as witnesses.

First, he will bind up the brokenhearted (1), and give comfort and joy (2-3). They are the trees that God has planted (holy seed), and “will be acknowledged as the ones who will reveal the glory of God” (3). It is not the standard of success that unbelievers talk about. Remnants must build a life that is humble before the grace of God.

Second, they will restore all things long devastated (4-5). Thus, they will be called the priests and ministers of the Lord that will save and heal the world (6). We call them the spiritual leaders and summits.

Third, they will receive a double portion of what they have lost on earth and enjoy everlasting joy (7). Finally, their offspring will be acknowledged as the people the Lord has blessed (9). This is the blessing of the remnant and the evangelist. Now, we must create the absolute bartizan, absolute system so that we, our posterity, and our church can enjoy this blessing (leader’s message).


  1. The 7 guide signs that remnants must be guided towards. This is the answer and goal of our lives (leader’s 1st lecture). We are people walking the path of the remained ones, the pilgrims, and the conquerors (refer to Pilgrim’s Progress). When we go somewhere, we need to know follow closely to the guide signs. There are guide signs that God has given to us.

1) Follow the guide sign of the Mount of Calvary (Acts 1:1). Christ has finished all curses on the Mount of Calvary (John 19:30). The first guide sign is to enjoy this. We must end all our scars and resentments here.

2) When you have passed the Mount of Calvary, you must hold onto the guide sign of the Mount of Olives (Acts 1:3). We must hold onto the mission of God’s kingdom. We are not here to just live. We are living as God’s people in God’s kingdom. We will save the field. We are not here to be oppressed by our fields but to heal and change our fields. All we need to do is wait until His kingdom comes (Acts 1:4).

3) The guide signs that the believers of Mark’s Upper Room experienced (Acts 1:8). Because we are lacking, we must hold onto the power of the Holy Spirit and challenge. At the perfect time schedule of Pentecost, they experienced the accurate power and accurate meetings (Acts 2:1-19).

4) The guide sign of the Antioch Church (Acts 11:19-21). As they were holding onto the gospel and enjoying it, they faced persecution. At that time, they scattered to spread the gospel and the very first multiethnic ministry began. The multiethnic ministry is an important guide sign that we must go towards. Our church was established upon that guide sign, the multiethnic ministry began, and important multiethnic ministers arose.

5) They did not stop here. They formed a team of 5 multiethnic individuals and held onto the guide sign of world missions (Acts 13:1-3). This church commissions the world’s first missionary. The blessing of the economy of light (economy of missions) followed.

6) As they were continuing their missions, they ran into closed doors. Here, they were able to see the guide sign of Macedonia that they never imagined (Acts 16:6-10). This is why we must interpret all problems and events as 237 missions. The greatest blessing that we received through the pandemic was this.

7) Finally, they saw the guide sign of the superpower nation of Rome (Acts 19:21). We are currently living in the Rome of this age. We must hold onto the guide sign on saving America to save the world. This is how we will live our days as the ones to reveal God’s glory.


  1. To see the guide signs correctly and receive guidance, we must possess strength. The 7 bartizans will give us that strength (leader’s 2nd lecture). Even if we know the guide signs, if we do not have strength, then we will ultimately fall and lose everything in problems, conflicts, discouragement, resentment, and unbelief. This is what the unbelievers who are leading the 4th industrial revolution and preparing for the 5th industrial revolution are emphasizing (different power). That is what drove the secular meditation movement. Their meditation is ultimately themselves. Spiritual problems will undoubtedly come. We must surpass ourselves to receive and enjoy God’s absolute power (holy meditation). There are 7 bartizans to enjoy those blessings.

1) We are enjoying the things of the triune God of all creation. He is working even now within the Word and the worship of His believers. The power we will enjoy is the power of creation and re-creation. Do not try to change yourself; enjoy God’s power.

2) We are enjoying the power of the throne that the triune God governs. When we hold onto the word and pray, God will send his angels from the throne (Psalm 103:19-20, Isaiah 62:6-7). That is when works of transcending time and space, unprecedented and never-repeated works arise. God will work transcending the laws and powers of this world.

3) This is when we can receive the strength to save the 3 ages (crumbling churches, field, posterity),

4) This is when we can restore the 5 powers to save 237 nations and 5000 people groups,

5) This is when we can receive the power to save the universe (true 5th industrial revolution).

6) This is when we receive strength to see the future (CVDIP),

7) and the power to restore the 3 courtyards (courtyard of the gentiles, courtyard or healing, and courtyard of remnants). We are raising up many spiritual leaders to change things. Challenge toward a prayer system. That is when we will be acknowledged as God’s priests who change ourselves, the field, and the future (6).


  1. Now, it is the assurance of the path that we must go on (covenant journey). This is the blessing we must enjoy, and the 7 journeys begin here. At this time, their descendants will be known among the nations(9). Remnants must save remnants and their next generation. Make your lives into the system of that blessing.

1) Assurance of the triune God being within us. He is our father, our Lord, and the Holy Spirit who is with us. That triune God has created, called, and saved. “You are mine, and I love you” (Isaiah 43:1-3).

2) The 5 fundamental assurances we must enjoy as saved people of God (salvation, answer to prayer, forgiveness, victory, and guidance).

3) The fundamental blessings of the 10 footholds (God’s absolute sovereignty, absolute answer of Christ, Holy Spirit that gives absolute power, God’s Word, our lives as the temple, our fields as missions fields, God’s providence, God’s judgment, God’s reward).

4) The 10 mysteries of the summit. The focus is to discover God’s absolute plan that will raise you up as the spiritual summit amidst problems.

5) Blessing to change the flow (train the 3 communications with God, 3 communications with yourself, 3 communications with others)

6) 62 points of the life of the evangelist. It is the blessing to train us with only, uniqueness, and recreation to raise us up as witnesses.

7) The blessing of the church (pulpit). As you enjoy the pulpit, you can enjoy the light of the throne and go into light camp for the world.


Conclusion – Begin the holy meditation for this covenant to become your imprint, root, and nature. Focus on the things that God has promised, gave to us, and will continue to give us. The 3 elements of meditation and concentration is covenant, breathing, and 24-hour prayer. May we all restore this in our lives.

11.26.23 English Pulpit
