Answer 25 that the Least and the Small will Enjoy (Isaiah 60: 19-22) 7/16/2023

Answer 25 that the Least and the Small will Enjoy (Isaiah 60: 19-22)                7/16/2023



In verse 22 of the scriptures, it says “the least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation.”

Who are the smallest and the least? It does not mean that there are only a few of them, or that they are young. This is the state of Israel, that lost everything and all hope. In the world, there are many people nations like this. Even for us, we see how small we become at the face of problems and crises.

God told these people, the least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. What does this mean? This is the conclusion of the fallen Israel, as well as the conclusion of all Gods people who are living on earth facing many hardships.


  1. What does it mean to become a thousand and a mighty nation?

1) This is the original state and original blessing that mankind has to restore.

Our original state wasn’t meant to be struggling to live within a crumbling world, a crumbling life, in suffering and despair. Are you perhaps in despair at the face of your failure and problems? That is not our original image we were or original life we were meant to live.

God originally created life in His own image, and  made them to live in and rule over the world that He had created.

Mankind was meant to be the greatest beings,  but problem is people use that blessing to live selfishly and even commit evil doings.

First life Adam was deceived by the corrupted spirit, the spirit of darkness, and lost all blessings.

He disobeyed God, and his relationship with God was severed (Ephesians 2:1). From then on, humans were seized by the spirit of darkness that fosters disobedience and darkness (Ephesians 2:2). They were then destined to live in eternal suffering and judgement (Ephesians 2:3).

In order to completely restore this, God sent His own Son. He is Christ. He died on the cross for us and resurrected from death to deliver us from curses and death (Romans 8:1-2), finished all works of the devil that continue on this earth (1 John 3:8), and became the truth, life, and the way to meet God (John 14:6). The moment we accept Christ, all works of darkness in our lives come to an end (Colossians 1:13-14).

2) Are you fallen and broken down? Do you have darkness and suffering inside you that you cannot get rid of? When you are within this Christ and when you look upon this Christ, God will make everything into evidence (Hebrews 12:2).

3) God will raise you up as someone who can save people like yourself and as a witness who can save the nations and peoples that are still in darkness and despair (Acts 1:8). This kind of life is what becomes a thousand and a mighty nation. It doesn’t end with just yourself. God will make your family, people, and nation into a mighty nation that saves the world (The United States and Korea were the evidence of that).


  1. God said He will do this work. How does God carry out this work?

1) He Himself will become our everlasting light and glory (19-20). This is the covenant of Christ.

God will free us from all forces of darkness and He will be our light that gives us victory in our fight against the darkness. The one who came as that light is Christ (John 1:1-4, John 8:12).

We who accepted that Christ is the ones who possess this light, and the children of light that enjoys the blessings of that light (Ephesians 5:8). That day you days of sorrow will end (20). This is something that rightfully happens when the light of God is shone upon our lives and upon all problems that we face.

2) Now, people of God will possess the land forever (21). This is the covenant of God’s kingdom.

This does not mean we will become wealthy landlords. It means that we will conquer the land (field). The evidence of blessing of God being with us will be shown in the fields that we live in, and the glory of God will be revealed. Joseph, who was sold as a slave lived that way, and so did Daniel and his three friends who were taken as captives, as well as Esther.

Then, what comes to be established is God’s kingdom. The world is filled with the kingdom of darkness that is without God, so even God’s people become captives and undergo suffering. We will the light of Christ wherever we are, darkness will crumble, and we will enjoy spiritual victory (John 12:46).

3) The Lord said He will do this work (22). This is the covenant of the power of the Holy Spirit.

God knows our weaknesses. That is why He promised the power of the Holy Spirit (5 powers). When we hold onto this covenant, we are no longer weak. We are no longer nothing.

We will overcome ourselves, the world, and the authority of darkness (spiritual summit). No matter how strong the forces of darkness and evil forces are, and no matter what they do, they cannot overcome those who have the power of the Holy Spirit.


  1. When these three covenants become our “only” (time schedule), our lives will then truly become the bartizan and we the watchmen (blessing of 25).

1) Only Christ.

When problems come, we are not looking at the problems, but at Christ who has finished those problems and is standing in the background (Hebrews 12:2). Why do we feel fear, hatred, and anger when we face problems, crises, and conflicts? It is because Christ is nowhere in sight, and we only see the problems themselves. Are you facing problems, crises, and suffering? It is a time for you to look upon Christ deeply, and a time for Christ too become your only.

This is when darkness is be bound, all problems become unique evidence (uniqueness), and the works of saving people like yourself arise (recreation). That is when our talents and skills because God’s masterpiece (heavenly talent).

2) Only God’s Kingdom.

We must receive God’s governance (Luke 17:21, Romans 14:17). We cannot control our hearts and our minds. That is why we need to pray for God’s guidance and governance.

Be the first to pray for the kingdom of God to come upon your household, workplace, and businesses (Matthew 6:33). Wherever you go, break down the forces of darkness first. That is when your spiritual bartizan begins to form and God’s kingdom comes upon that place (Matthew 12:28). Those who enjoy this mystery will save the 237 nations and 5000 people groups and expand the kingdom of God (heavenly mission).

3) Only the Power of the Holy Spirit.

We are already within the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-18). All we need to do is enjoy His power (heavenly power). Discard your other motives and greed (2King 2:9), and continuously seek this power in your daily lives, when you are weak, and in your important tasks (Ephesians 5:18).

This Holy Spirit connects us to the blessing oof the throne (1 Corinthians 2:10). It is revealed in the form of transcending time and space, power of light, and unprecedented works. With this power, we are standing as the witnesses to save the 3 ages.


Conclusion – May the evidence of 25 that makes the least and smallest of us a thousand and a mighty nation continue to rise your entire life.

7.15.2023 English Pulpit
