Bartizan of Healing and Restoration that Saves 237 Nations (Genesis 45:4-8) 11/12/2023

Answer 25 of the 1st 2ns 3rd RUTC:

Bartizan of Healing and Restoration that Saves 237 Nations (Genesis 45:4-8)       11/12/2023


God has prepared everything to save the 237 nations and all peoples of this age. He has given it to us as the covenant.

We are living in a difficult age. However, no matter how difficult this world is, the end will come only after this gospel has been preached (Matthew 24:14). It is God’s absolute time schedule. As we wait upon that day, we are living our lives directed towards evangelism and missions.

God has delivered us in advance to save this world, and He will raise us up as the witness before the world (Acts 1:8).

God’s absolute conclusion. Hold onto this conclusion in your studies, workplaces, businesses, and have victory in all your problems and pain.

It is not about saving many people. In the field, there are disciples that God has prepared to deliver them and use them (Matthew 28:18-20). 

God’s absolute goal. Even through one disciple, they saved their own fields and the world.

If you believe in this covenant and focus on the work of saving people, Christ himself will show us signs (Mark 16:15-20).

God’s absolute power. Ultimately, God will carry out evangelism and missions, but He will use us (Missio Dei).

However, why is it not working out for us? This is the reason we must focus on the terms healing and restoration. Ultimately, salvation, evangelism, and missions are healing and restoration. People have lost hold of what had already been given to them. We have lost all the God-given identity of Genesis 1:27, God-given power of Genesis 2:7, and God-given blessings of Genesis 2:1-18.

The one who came to restore this is Christ. He finished everything (John 19:30) and gave us everything (Matthew 1:23), but we are still being deceived. We are deceived by ourselves (scars), our realities and environments (world), and ultimately by Satan (spiritual problems). Even when you just acknowledge that you are being deceived, healing and restoration will begin. There are three things in which we need healing and restoration.


  1. The first thing we must receive healing and restoration for is ourselves. You must establish God’s bartizan within yourself that saves you. “I am full of scars” (victim mentality), “I am powerless” (inferior mentality). Fear, hatred, and anger stem from those things and causes relationships to shatter.

1) Unbelievers who have not met God are without a doubt held bondage by Satan and destiny (6 states of unbelievers). There is no scar or curse greater than that. If they hold onto Christ and come out of it, their lives will change.

2) The problem is the scar and powerlessness of believers. There are innate problems we have that are commonly attributed to temperament or DNA. On the extreme, some people even have congenital disabilities. Some are congenitally introverted, depressed, easily scarred, and a lot of them live oppressed by those things.

3) God gave us His answer? He gave his son the authority of eternal priest, king, and prophet, and sent him down as the Christ(Isaiah 61:1).

The moment we received salvation, we have been eternally freed (Romans 8:1-2). It is the work that Christ completed as the eternal priest. We not only have freedom, but the moment we accepted Christ, we received the eternal life of God (1John 5:12), a new life (Romans 6:4). What nourishes this life is the Word. This new life begins to grow within you, and your old life (old self) will diminish. Only the living Word of God will edit, blueprint, and design your new self. This is why we need to hold onto the Word and meditate on it.

There are scars that have formed throughout your childhood growth or your past. Christ who came as the eternal king has finished it (1John 3:8). Satan brings you similar problems to invoke your anger, unbelief, loneliness, and despair to make you fatally crumble. He makes you fall into the things of the world, and the wrong things (obsession and addiction). There are addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex, work, success, etc. We must confess that Christ is our king every moment of every day and pray for his governance (concentration). With the power of his kingship, break down the forces of darkness that deceive you. God’s kingdom will come upon you, and you will continuously experience healing and restoration (Matthew 12:28).

Christ became the eternal prophet to become the way to meet God (John 14:6) and is eternally with us (Matthew 28:20). Enjoying that “with” is power. Joseph enjoyed this power as he saved Egypt and the 237 nations (Genesis 41:38-39).


  1. The second thing we must receive healing and restoration for is our family and family relationships. Establish God’s bartizan that saves your family. Family problems began with the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3. They were embarrassed, resented each other, and blamed one another.

1) Hold onto the absolute covenant that God has allowed for your family and family relationships. It is a relationship that God has allowed.

Unbelieving families must hold onto the covenant of Acts 16:31 and believe that your entire family will one day be saved through you as you pray and wait.

What if your family is already believing in the gospel but will face problems and conflicts? Even still, hold onto the absolute covenant. If you look at Jesus’ family, there were conflicts (Matthew 12:46-50). However, that family ultimately becomes the main figure of the Early Church (Acts 1:13-14). Take a look at Jacob’s family. When they lost hold of God’s absolute plan, the four wives and the children faced great conflicts. From that, Joseph was sold as a slave, but what was the absolute plan of God that Joseph held onto? That is today’s passage.

2) The problems of our family are the problems and the message of this age. We must hold onto this answer to overcome it all. The family of Hosea is a representative model. Hosea suffered because of his wife’s sexual immorality, but that portrayed the problem of Israel that fell into spiritual obscenity. God allows Hosea to share the heart of God that waits for Israel (Hosea 6:1-2).

3) God desires to use all the strengths, specialties, and even problems and pain of our family to save the world. What is used for that work is the mission home. The Early Church began from the house of women who were left alone (Acts 16:15, Colossians 4:15, Romans 16:1). Priscilla and Aquilla were exiled from Rome for their interracial marriage (Acts 18:1-2). However, through Paul, they received God’s answers through the gospel. They then stake their lives along with Paul and become the main figures that save Rome (Romans 16:3-4).


  1. The third thing we must receive healing and restoration for is our relationship with the world. Establish God’s bartizan that saves your workplace, business, and region.

1) The place where you are is the inheritance within the boundary lines that God has measured for you (Psalm 16:6). It is a place that God has allowed and sent you into. If you give thanks, be joyful, and discover your mission, the blessing of the throne will come upon that place (masterpiece of uniqueness). Your ways of life will shine in radiance.

2) Are people around your position giving you a hard time? Do you constantly feel darkness? That is why God sent you (bartizan of light). Pray the prayer of a watchman until the darkness in that field crumbles.

3) Lastly, it is the mission to save America, the superpower nation of this age. We must save the multiethnic individuals within this country and go towards 237 nations.

Whether America becomes the Rome and Babylon that completely fell into corruption and criticized the church, or revives as the nation that God uses, is up to us who live in this age. It is the age we live in, and we are the last runners.

“I must also see Rome,” and “You must stand before Caesar.” We must quickly come to this conclusion. If you still do not know why you live in America, or you do know but have lost hold of it, the storm and suffering of life will continue. From the day you realize and begin to pray, all storms will become the evidence to save the world and stand before Caesar (blessing of spiritual summit).


Conclusion – However lacking we are, we are the remaining ones to save ourselves, our families, our workplaces, our businesses, and this land. We are God’s bartizans that will be used for that work. May everything be healed and restored for the work of saving 237 nations.

11.12.23 english pulpit
