Church Healing (Matthew 16:13-19)

                                            The Field of Answers of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:                         6/13/2021       

Church Healing (Matthew 16:13-19)


What does the church that God desires look like? There are at least three reasons why the church needs to be restored and healed into a church that God desires. First, It is because that the church is the body of Christ (Ephesians 1:20). Therefore, by loving and devoting themselves to the visible church, believers express their love and devotion to invisible Christ. Second, It is because that  the church is a spiritual house for children of God to gather on earth. Christ is the Son who has been entrusted with this house (Hebrews 3:6). Everything becomes anxious if the house and family are shaken. How do we make an unshakeable house? We must have this answer. We need to receive strength and be healed in that unshakeable house and stand as people who will save the world. Third, It is because that the church is the future base for our posterity (John 21:15). Suppose the 2nd and 3rd generation does not relay the covenant and blessing that was grasped by the first generation to the posterity. In that case, they become the most pitiful people. Pastors and lay leaders especially need to pray and devote themselves to this. What will we leave behind for the posterity (monumental blessing)? How will we heal the church? Let us look at the three blessings and three missions that God has given to the church.


  1. The three blessings that God has given to the church. The church will be revived when this is restored.

The individual and the church will have no choice but to crumble if this blessing is not enjoyed. This is the blessing promised to the disciples who realized and confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, in the passage.

1) “On this rock, I will build my church” (verse 18). The blessing of the rock.

No one can shake it nor destroy it. However, scars and unbelief could deceive one. Just realize quickly.

If a person has realized Christ and received salvation, that person’s life is like a rock, and a church will be built upon that. If I enjoy this blessing within me, that is a personal (individual) church (1Corinthians 3:16). If the entire family enjoyed that blessing, that place becomes a family church (Acts 1:13-14). If I enjoy that blessing in my workplace, a work church or specialized church will be established.

The only thing that needs to be sure is Christ.  

I have been freed from all curses through Christ (Romans 8:1-2). I have the authority to overcome Satan’s authority that brings all failure and suffering through the authority of Christ (1John 3:8). That Christ became the Way, and He is within me forever. He is with me with the power of the throne and the power that transcends time and space. I will continuously confirm that my life and church are a rock as long as Christ becomes imprint, root, and nature through worship.

Experience the time where Christ becomes my Only.

This signifies the spiritual state where I am happy and sufficient through Christ, and Christ becomes my everything. This is why summit time and a time of concentration are needed. Are you going through fatal loneliness, pain, failure, or sickness? It is an opportunity for Christ to become my only. David, as well as all other people of God, enjoyed this blessing (Psalms 62:1-8). That is when uniqueness and recreation follow.

2) “The gates of Hades will not overcome you.” (Verse 18b). The blessing of spiritual victory.

It did not say that the gates of Hades will refrain from coming near us. It will continuously approach us and deceive us until the day the Lord returns.

 However, it will not overcome us. God will make problems, difficulties, and persecutions into that much evidence (witness).

Why is that?   

Christ has already crushed Satan’s head (Genesis 3:15, 1 Corinthians 15:25). The Christ who is in us is greater (1John 4:4), and the Holy Spirit will help us firsthand (Romans 16:20). He will fight for us (Revelations 17:14).

Are there unsolved conflicts and difficulties? Continuously fight the battle of faith and wage spiritual warfare. It is until the Lord returns.

Believers and especially remnants, this is why you are called soldiers of Christ (2 Timothy 2:3). Thus, we are called the ambassador of the field who represents Christ, commanding officer, and watchman.

3) “I will give you the keys of heaven.” (Verse 19). The blessing of the heavenly background.

A key of heaven means that it will open doors of heaven. He expressed that He opens the heavenly doors and blesses (Malachi 3:10).

He will make our prayer, small labor, and devotion into blessings that open the doors of heaven.

Where does the worry, unbelief, division, and dispute which are Satan’s strategies to destroy the individual, family, and church, come from?

 It is because one has not yet experienced the answer and blessing of heavenly doors opening. It will not concern the person who enjoys this blessing to yield everything.


  1. The three missions that God has given to the church. It is the mission that Christ gave when He resurrected and ascended.

The individual has lost the reason to live and receive answers if the person has not discovered or has lost hold of the mission. It is the same for the church.

1) Evangelism mission that saves people (Matthew 28:18-20).   

Why is Christ with us with the authority of heaven and earth? 

 There is nothing to fear. We have already been raised as summits. We need to go to all nations, make disciples, and help them reproduce other people who can save others like them.

Discover the individuals who will hear the gospel in this way among the unbelievers and help them.   

Many people around us are afflicted by depression, mental problems, addiction, and evil spirits because they do not Christ.

Hold onto the power of Christ and continuously concentrate on the word. We fall because we are filled with my will, my plans, and my things.

Works will arise when God’s will, plan, and things take the place of these things. We will be healed and restored and be used to save others like me. Life will be well and good, and everything else will follow when we experience evangelism (Matthew 6:33).

2) The missions mission (World Mission) that saves the world (Mark 16:17-20).

Enjoy the answers and blessings that will save the age. There is a separate blessing that an individual, family, and church that does missions will enjoy.

 That is why He said that He would make us go to all people, all nations, and the ends of the earth and make us stand as witnesses (Acts 1:8).

Pray about what I, my family, and the church can do for the works of saving the 237 and 5,000 people groups of this age.    

I can do this with my skill and specialty (specialist missionary). You can briefly go to the mission field (short-term missionary). You can also support financially and spiritually by praying for 24 hours for my missions and mission field.

3) Posterity mission that saves the future (John 21:15).

Today is the Sunday School graduation. God will bless the church workers, lay leaders, and teachers who have worked hard.

 Remnants, what you have learned in Sunday School is the three blessings and mission of the Gospel. You will stand as witnesses who will save the future/ There are many summits among those who grew up in Sunday School (Lincoln, Moody, Rockefeller, Wanamaker, etc.).

The future will grow dark if the church loses hold of the Sunday School ministry, posterity ministry, and remnant ministry (Isaiah 62:2).   

This is also why we gather our strengths and do the remnant movement, RUTC movement, and RU movement.

 Conclusion – May this be a week of restoring the blessing and mission that I have lost hold of for me, my family, and the church that God desires.

06.13.2021 English
