Daniel, the Summit Who Set a Resolution (Daniel 1:8-16)

                                        The Field of Answers of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:                                 3/14/2021

 Daniel, the Summit Who Set a Resolution (Daniel 1:8-16)                


When an individual resolves to do something very important, great power forms in that person, and people who share the same resolution gather around him. Those people change history and the world. It goes beyond that when saved believers set a resolution while holding onto the God-given covenant. When our resolution is fixed with God’s direction and the word, God will help with works that transcend time and space. The Bible surely said that heavenly armies and angels will be mobilized and help us. These angels are called ministering spirits who help the saved children of God (Hebrews 1:14). They are beings who work to fulfill God’s word (Psalms 103:20-21). The forces of Satan who are corrupted spirits will bring curses and suffering to the whole world in the final days and attack the people of God, but these angels will fight for us (Revelations 1:4,20). God helps us through the Holy Spirit, and the angels He sends to us will appear in various forms. There are times where God moves and sends anointed servants of the Lord, attaches random people to help you with crucial matters, and even uses those who move policy and change the law. He changes my everything (studies, work, suffering, even failure) to evidence. Save me, my family, the church, and all the 237 nations with that evidence. Daniel from the passage enjoyed that blessing. What was the start of that? Verse 8 says that Daniel set a resolution. You may set several resolutions throughout your life. Setting a resolution that leaves God with no choice but to work is important.


  1. Think about what God desires from me and for this earth right now. Faith is what comes from this (Hebrews 11:1-2).

We must think about this when making important decisions, choices, before crises and problems, and during hard times like this. Then, the CVDIP that you must hold onto in your usual every day, every worship, and prayer will become apparent.

1) C stands for Covenant. God has given us the covenant of Christ. We were delivered eternally, and became as the children of God to be able to victory in all problems(Ephesians 1:3-5)).

2) V stands for Vision. It is God’s future.  God wants to save the world through us who are in Christ.

That is the world evangelization. The multiethnic and 237 is in that (Acts 11:19-21). Hold onto this vision and do anything. You live a life that has a reason and become happy.

3) D stands for dream of God. God will give all evidences and raise us as the witness (Joels 2:28-29, Acts1:8). Believing this is the experiencing the work of Holy Spirit.

Then, courage, hope, and assurance form.

4) I stands for Image. It is the picture that God draws in my prayer.

Paul prayed, “I shall also see Rome,” and God gave him an accurate picture of “you shall stand before Caesar” (Acts 27:24). Thus, there is no reason to feel urgent or be shaken.

5) P stands for practice. It is saying that God will fulfill (Isaiah 60:22, Philippians 2:13).

God give strength to be able to challenge at that time. Because God helps and blesses me, the rightful and small things I do now connect to the real blessings that are to come. Hence, there is no reason to be discouraged because things are not working out a bit or become conceited because things are going well, and some answers have come right now. It is because something greater (John 14:12), greater and unsearchable things that I do not know of (Jeremiah 33:3), and eternal things prepared by God will come.


  1. With this faith, Daniel saw the three realities of himself, his nation, and the entire world and set a resolution.

1) He saw the spiritual reality and set a spiritual resolution.  

He refused to eat the food served by the king. In a worldly matter, it was the best opportunity. He rejected that. Why?

The food served by the Babylonian King was the same food that was served to the idols he worshiped.

The King did this so that he could show his authority as the representative of the gods. This is the authority and evangelism of unbelievers. He mocked and oppressed Israel with this authority and power. This is how the church and believers look like in the eyes of unbelievers.

Promptly restore the correct faith and self-esteem concerning the unique Christ we believe in.

He was born of the virgin as promised (Isaiah 7:14) and died and resurrected for us as promised (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). He who is the Son of God destroyed all the works of the devil (1John 3:8) and promised to be with us forever through the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-18). Unbelievers look down on us because we lose hold of this covenant and constantly live with fear, worry, anxiety, and humanism.

Unbeliever summits like the Babylonian King are still moving the spiritual things of this world.

They are leading the transcendental meditation movements, chi movements, and supernatural power movements. They have people experience the power of demons and even Satan worship has emerged. The best enterprises and religious organizations are pushing this and are raising their gifted individuals (remnants of Satan). Daniel knew the spiritual meaning behind the food he needed to eat and receiving the King’s help (1 Corinthians 10:20). God works with power that transcends time and space when one sees this spiritual reality and knows God’s heart (Matthew 28:18-20).

2) He saw the reality of that age and set a resolution to save the age.   

Since Satan is leading and controlling those who are bound by idols and darkness who move the world, what would happen to the world?

There are continuous problems of Genesis 3,6,11 in the world. There are continuous endless corruption, mental problems, and spiritual problems.

Genesis 3, everything is self-centered and self-greed. Genesis 6 Nephilim Age, everything is centered on materials visible. Genesis 11, obtaining success through any means is what only matters. Satan grants this (Matthew 4:9, Ephesians 6:11) and then destroys it. The heart and thoughts are completely crushed, despite being successful, people are afflicted even more and eventually go to hell, and even their posterity perish.

Daniel was not simply refusing food that had been served to idols. He was really praying (spiritual watchman’s prayer).  

He began ten days of concentrated prayer. Train this prayer lifelong and do everything through the power of prayer. When doing important things, during the most difficult times, make it so that this becomes your usual life (Daniel 6:10). It said he only ate water and vegetables before much power and his face glowed differently. His usual daily life became evidence.

3) He saw the reality of the future and set a resolution to save the future.  

The future will grow more difficult, and it is said that the believers and church will especially face much tribulation and persecution. 

Daniel knew the reality of this future. This is the same for our future.

The one person who sets a resolution at this time and resolves to live as an evangelist and disciple is important. The three friends were attached to him there. 

That is where the evidence was revealed, and later on, Israel would be restored, and Christ would come. The answers that he received as he began to pray while seeing the future are the content of Daniel 9 -12. It is called the Revelations of the Old Testament.

This gospel will be proclaimed to the end of the earth, and then the end will come(Matthew 24:14).

We were called to be used as the evangelists. 

That’s why the power of the throne will work upon us who are lacking then, and we will be used as spiritual doctors who save people (Mark 16:17-20).


Conclusion – May you become the one who possesses God’s will, one who holds onto God’s will, and summits who are used for God’s will.

03.14. 2021 English pulpit
