David’s Conquest of the World II (Psalms 57:1-11) 3/20/2022

The 24 Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

                               David’s Conquest of the World II (Psalms 57:1-11)                3/20/2022


It is the second part of David’s conquest of the world. Last week’s message was about God’s method that blessed and used David, who was weak, lacking, and full of experiences of numerous suffering and failure. That is the blessing of anointing. Therefore, regardless of how weak and lacking we are, we must seek and experience God’s anointing 24 hours, lifelong, and in every moment (covenant of Acts 1:8). This week’s message is about why God anointed and used David, who was so lacking and weak. There is a reason when God saves, blesses, and raises us as summits. We must live a life with a reason when we live and die. There must be a reason for God to bless me in my studies and business. David’s brother used strong words when David prepared to fight Goliath. He said, “I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle.” David said one thing, “Can’t I even speak (Don’t I have a reason?)?” The reason was given by God and a reason to fulfill God’s Will. We must live a life that has God’s reason. The reason God chose and blessed David can be organized into three things. David held onto this reason lifelong.


  1. It was God’s absolute love and grace for David.

This is also why God needs to save and bless us. It seems like it cannot be a reason, but that is the absolute reason. This is also why parents sacrifice and devote themselves to their children. However, this does not compare to that.

1) There is no reason why God loves us and gives us grace (absolute sovereignty). However, if we were to give a reason, there are two things.  

Romans 9:15-16. It said it was because He has compassion for us.

The reason God chose Jacob between Jacob and Esau was also that He took compassion for Jacob. This is the same reason God chose us in this age. There are countless brilliant and outstanding people in the world. When we realize that God has saved and blessed us this way, how we must live our lives will be revealed. We must live with a faith that further only looks onto God in every moment, important works, and difficulty.

1 Corinthians 1:26-31. When we who are weak and lacking stand with God’s love and blessing, the only thing we have that we can boast about is Him. That is how we repay God for God’s grace. We call that thanksgiving, praise, and worship. They all have the same meaning. David had realized this when he was isolated from his brothers. This needs to be the center of our hearts. God absolutely loved me, who is weak and worthless. Thus, I will live my life only by looking onto Him and praising Him. God saw this in David (1 Samuel 16:7, Acts 13:22).

2) This is where David’s character and personality were formed (Psalms 78:70-72).

God called David among the fields of sheep and had him protect God’s sheep, Israel. It said that David led the people with integrity of heart and skillful hands. He could continuously train and stake his life for the works God had entrusted him with because he knew the absolute grace, love, and blessing that God had given him. Whatever you do, your studies, caring for family, job, life or business, or ministry, those works will change if you do them while holding onto this reason.


  1. David came to know what God desires because he experienced the first reason. God’s absolute mission.

That is called God’s mission (Mission Dei). Liberal theologists frequently use the term, but there is a precious meaning. It means that God places His heart that longs to save the suffering and dying souls and commissions us.   

1) Even unbelievers who lead the world have their own mission they live by.  

They received many things to get where they are. They live by thinking that they need to repay and give back everything they have received.

2) This is why God calls us amidst our weakness and why He, at times, leads us to go through times of pain.   

There is a longing for us to take compassion with God’s heart for those in pain and give the true answer. That is Jesus’ heart (Hebrews 4:15). We must not hold onto our pain and scars as despair and rage but grasp it as God’s mission. This is why David met 400 people like him and stayed with them while he went through the most challenging times (1 Samuel 22:1-2).  Later, he would become a true leader who led the Israelites with that very heart.


  1. There is a greater and eternal reason. It is God’s absolute conclusion.

God does not desire anyone to fall upon judgment and destruction (John 3:16). He longs for all to receive salvation and live in the blessings of Christ, the True Truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4). That is evangelism and missions.

1) This is also why the Son of God experienced the suffering of the cross and was resurrected on earth (blessing of Christ).

He delivered us from sins and curses forever (Romans 8:1-2, Colossians 1:13-14). He raised us as children of heavenly blessings from a place bound by fate unbeknownst to me (Ephesians 1:3-5). He destroyed the authority of Satan, who was working behind and stealing from my life (1 John 3:8). Discover why it must only be Christ in my problems (personal, family, children), problems in the field, and problems of this age (only). Do your work with this blessing of only (uniqueness) and save the world with that blessing (recreation).

2) The passage is David’s confession of faith that experienced and enjoyed these three reasons in his deepest suffering.

David deeply realized God’s grace and love amidst difficult times. Thus, he held onto only Him (verses 1-2). He knew that God sends angels to help him and that God desires to save others like him (verses 3-4). There is a conclusion to his confession. “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth” (verses 5, 9, 11). He knew that God desired to use him that way and repeatedly gave thanks three times. This is the world mission.

3) We must make the conclusion of why God has allowed me to live in America, a place where all nations have gathered, in this age.

This is why God allows us to live in this age’s superpower hegemony that can save and help all nations and peoples. Even though we have financial difficulties, many countries can survive off 200 dollars. We can raise one pastor that can save one nation. Therefore, our small offering for the evangelists who save the 237 nations is not small. This is also why God must give us the blessing of the throne and unprecedented answers in all our works and business. “The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth (237 nations) will fear him.” (Psalms 67:6-7).


Conclusion – God calls and blesses us, the weakest and most lacking in this age, to use us like David. May you hold onto the three absolute reasons of God, be triumphant in the world, and be used as those who save and revive the world.

3.20.2022 English Pulpit
