Establish the Church of the Absolute Bartizan (Matthew 16:16-19) 9/24/2023

Establish the Church of the Absolute Bartizan (Matthew 16:16-19)              9/24/2023


We are living in an age where churches are losing strength. We can’t be thinking that our church will be okay. We must be at a place where we can save those crumbling churches. Satan is organizationally creating systems (bartizans) to break down churches (2 Corinthians 10:4, Colossians 2:8, Revelation 2:9, Revelation 12:17). If churches crumble, then there will be no bartizans to shine the light unto the world. Surely, darkness will deepen in the fields, and our posterity will fall into the 12 strategies of Satan, following the wrong things that result in destruction (3 ages).


  1. Why must we raise an absolute bartizan church that never falls down? Within this, we must discover the importance of church and the blessings to be enjoyed.

1) When we gather at church to worship, pray, and have fellowship (koinoia), the blessing of the triune God will come upon us.

That is when we experience the blessings of the heavenly throne, transcendence of time and space, and unprecedented answers (miracles). When we praise and pray in worship, our worship is taken upto the heavenly throne (Psalm 22:3, Revelation 8:3-4). God will mobilize his heavenly army of angels, give us answers to all our problems that we face, and bless us.

When we say fellowship, we aren’t talking about just simple acquaintances or amity. We are talking about everything that we do together as believers who gather in the name of Christ (“koinoia,” 1 Corinthians 10:16, Colossians 3:10, Acts 2:44-45, Romans 15:26).  It is forming oneness with the Triune God.

2) Such a church is called the “house of God,” and Christ is the Son who is in charge (Hebrews 3:6).

This church is called the “body of Christ.” It is likened to the relationship between husband and wife (Ephesians 5:31-33). It is a relationship that shares joy, pain, blessings, and even failures.

Thus, we must cherish the three backgrounds that God has given us and enjoy it as we establish it in unity. First, it is our background of God’s kingdom (Philippians 3:20), second, it is our background of our family (1 Peter 3:7), and third, it is our background of church (Ephesians 2:19). When people lose hold of these blessed backgrounds, they suffer and eventually fall.


  1. How can we raise an absolute bartizan church that never crumbles down?

The one who establishes the absolute bartizan is the triune God. We are the ones who will be used for that work and enjoy those blessings.

1) We must first raise the absolute bartizan of the gospel. There are three milestones. The reason we establish this bartizan is to fight against our enemy that attacks us and makes us fall and lose hold of the blessings. Christ came to crush this enemy and help us enjoy heavenly blessings and stand as the ones to save the world.

Even when all Peter did was confess that Jesus is the Christ, what kind of blessings did Christ promise? He called him the rock and renamed him Peter (rock) so that he would never forget. Jesus said He will build His church on this rock, gates of hell will not overcome it, and he will give the keys to heaven. Even when we just know Christ, confess Him, and proclaim, gates of hell will crumble, and the blessings of the throne will come upon us. We can confess this for ourselves (personal church), in our fields (mission home, specialized church, regional church), and during worship. All pastors must proclaim Christ in all their messages, and believers must proclaim Christ in their fields.

The time we enjoy this Christ is the time of worship, prayer, and koinoia. When we look upon Christ and do all things in the name of Christ, that is the time of enjoying Christ. Realistically, darkness will crumble, and the blessings of the heavenly throne will come upon us. It doesn’t matter if you can’t see it or nothing is being fulfilled right now. First, you will be given peace (John 14:28). Everything will become joy, prayer, and thanksgiving (1Thessalonians 5:16-18).

When this Christ completely becomes our nature, all problems, conflicts, and failures will become blessings. Christ is the one who finished all curses, destiny, and Satan’s head. It said it is finished (John 19:30). Whoever it is, we can wait in patience. The shame and failures of others, we can hide it for them. Ultimately, with all our weaknesses, we will be raised up together. This is when the darkness that destroys us individuals and the church will be broken down, and we will become the absolute bartizan church that enjoys complete victory.

2) We must raise the absolute bartizan of prayer. There are at least three reasons.

This gospel becomes our true imprint, root, and nature when we hold onto the gospel and pray. If not, the gospel will remain as knowledge and another theory. Some may go to criticize using the gospel. Life will become harder.

When we pray, we receive the true strength that God gives (7 prayer bartizans). It is the strength that the triune God gives, the strength that the throne gives (mobilization of heavenly army and angels), and the strength to save the 3 ages. The strength to overcome the darkness that rules the kingdom of the air, the 5 powers to save 237 and all nations, the strength to see the future and enjoy it (CVDIP), and the three courtyards (healing, multiethnic, posterity) will come and we will be able to save the church.

Ultimately, when we pray, everything becomes evidence. Prayer is a privilege of the children of God (John 14:12-14). Enjoy scheduled prayer, continuous prayer, concentrated prayer, and 24-hour prayer. None of our prayers will fall to the ground, and the devil will fear and give up on believers who pray.

3) We must raise the absolute bartizan of missions. There must be at least three types of disciples that rise. Saving all people and all nations is the heart of God (John 3:16), mission (1 Timothy 2:4), and conclusion (Matthew 24:14). We were called in advance for this work, and this is the reason we will receive all answers and blessings. Evangelism bartizan and missions bartizan means that we must become disciples that connect all work, studies, and meetings to evangelism and missions.

Bartizan of 70 worker disciples. We are headed towards 70 regions, 70 tribes, and 70 nations. Seek out the prepared individual in your fields and truly pray and devote to save and raise that one person. Evangelism takes place as much as we have evidence of the enjoyment of the gospel. People will come to you as God attaches people to you.

Bartizan of remnant disciples. Remnants must pray for evangelism, receive answers, and experience it in your remnant years. We are doing our ministry so that these remnants may be raised as true evangelism disciples in the future. We must help them become disciples that save the summit. We must help them in 7 ways (expand their worldview through literature (basics), have great individuals become their model (foundation), experience the three feasts (fundamentals), experience worship and power of prayer (spirituality), and prepare for a life that enjoys the blessing of only, uniqueness, and recreation (life of the evangelist).

Bartizan of TCK (Third Cultural Kid) disciples Ultimately, TCKs are very important doors of world evangelism, and the realistic bartizans (7 remnants, Paul’s protectors, coworkers, supporters, Timothy and Titus who led the next age were all TCKs). International students are important as well.


Conclusion – If the church is revived, you will be revived. If you are revived, the Church, your posterity, and all nations will be saved. May we all hold this covenant, and become the congregation that establishes the absolute bartizan church.

9.24.23 English Pulpit
