Evangelism Conquest of 70 Worker Disciples (Isaiah 60:1-7) 6/12/2022

24 Answer of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

Evangelism Conquest of 70 Worker Disciples (Isaiah 60:1-7)                6/12/2022


Why are churches closing doors all around the world? Simply speaking, they have lost hold of the gospel and the evangelism that comes from that blessing. Losing hold of evangelism, world missions (237 nations, 5000 ethnic groups) become unreachable. It may sound simple, but it is not simple.Why do believers live a life in which they receive scars from the world, suffer from the world, and become captive by the world? Just because the world is difficult, should we also live a difficult life? How long must we carry our hidden scars and live in conflicts and stress? The Israelites in the passage came to this reality. The reason was the same. They had lost hold of the gospel and the evangelism and missions that come from it. Since they had lost hold of the gospel, they could not escape they scars, family background, fate, and spiritual problems. Ultimately, they reached out to other things that are wrong (idol worship). How can we do evangelism and missions is we are dying? And since we are far from evangelism and missions, God may not have a reason to bless us. The blessing of the throne, unprecedented works, historical answers that will save the age – these things become irrelevant to us.


  1. Believers must properly enjoy the blessing of evangelism and missions. There are at least three reasons.

1) Evangelism and missions are God’s absolute desire.

Mankind was separated from God and fell into sin and curses. They are following after their flesh, the world, and Satan toward destruction. However, God does not want the mankind that he created to result in such destruction (John 3:16). This is God’s love.

He sent Christ and desires us to realize the truth within the Word, for all nations to receive salvation (1Timothy 2:4). If we align our lives to this and make this our life’s priority God will provide everything and more (Matthew 6:33).

2) Evangelism is God’s absolute sovereignty.

Mankind cannot find God by themselves. That is why He came down in flesh (gospel).

He came with the authority of “Christ.” He died in our stead for mankind’s sinful nature and curses and freed us from that sin and curse with the authority of the Priest (Romans 8:1-2). With the authority of the King, he crushed the head of Satan that tempted Adam to fall into that sin and curse and is working even now. He gave us the authority to fight and win over Satan (1 John 3:8). With the authority of the Prophet, He became the way to meet God and will help us by becoming the way for our lives (John 14:6).

By His great love and grace, He had chosen those who will accept this Christ and receive salvation (Ephesians 1:3-5). When you evangelize, those individuals will undoubtedly believe, eventually believe, and easily believe. This is God’s absolute sovereignty.

3) Evangelism is God’s absolute covenant. God has promised to give us evidence for the work of saving lives and saving the world (Isaiah 55:3, Acts 1:8).

(1) First, he will raise us, individuals who are saved, as witnesses.

Unbelievers must see how people who believe in Jesus receive answers and live happily. Even the smallest things that we do, God will bless it to become uniqueness beyond just specialty. The world must see how we overcome any problems and suffering and how that becomes God’s masterpiece.

The seven remnants of the Bible lived as such witnesses of that age.

Joseph was a slave and was put unjustly into prison. However, even the prison warden and the King saw that God was with Joseph and God blessed Joseph (Genesis 39:3, 39:23, 41:38). The slingshot that David used to protect his father’s sheep overcame Goliath and led him to become the King of Israel. Daniel and his three friends that became captive, as well as Esther who was an orphan, stood before the King and showed them their God (Daniel 3:29, Daniel 6:26, Esther 8:17).

(2) The passage says God will raise us individuals up to make the entire church the evidence.

He will restore all that was lost and taken away (4-6). The crowd will return to you (platform), lost sons and daughters will return (watch tower), and all wealth will return (antenna).

As a result, God’s temple will be glorious (7). When we enjoy victory and the answers, the church will be revived, and the temple will be restored. There will be no reason for the church to close doors.

What was the result of the Antioch Church, that was established under great persecution, when they proclaimed only Christ, saved all ethnicities, and commissioned missionaries?  The church was able to help the church of Jerusalem with special offering when the famine hit and became a church that saved the world.

(3) The nation itself became the evidence of the age.

When Europe and England were being blessed, they were commissioning the most missionaries out to the world. It was the same for the United States. They sent out the most missionaries as churches were strengthened. The nation itself also was strengthened.

The nation of South Korea, that was among the weakest and the poorest countries, grew to be a nation that the world acknowledges through their evangelism and missions. This is the reason our upper room evangelism movement that began in Korea is able to carry out works that save the entire world.


  1. How can we stand as the main figures of this blessing?

Whatever we do, we must do it before God, do it for His glory, and do it by His strength. That is the power and blessing of the throne. The state in which we look to and enjoy this blessing is called “establishment of the throne.”

1) Make this blessing of the throne your own (establishing myself in the throne).

The passage says that the moment we received salvation, the light and glory of the Lord appears in us (2). Realizing and enjoying the light and glory of the Lord that appears in us is the blessing of 3,9,3.

In all problems and crises, hold onto the fact that God is with us in all things and be bold. This is when the evidence of only, uniqueness, and recreation will come. You will save yourself, transcend yourself, and conquer yourself.

2) Make this blessing of the throne come upon in your field (establishing the throne in the field). Begin as a watchman that prays and breaks down the authority of darkness in your field. They are the true missionaries.

Accurately explain the gospel to prepared individuals. You can simply share the way of salvation and the grace that you received from the pulpit. You will find co-workers that will be with you (team ministry). You will establish a system within your home (mission home), at work (specialized church), and region (regional church).

3) Make this blessing of the throne come upon our church (establishing the throne in the church).

Diseased and crumbled individuals will come to church and be revived (24 healing system).

The system that saves 237 nations will continue to be established (24 multi-ethnic system).

Remnants will continue to rise as individuals who will be used in important places (24 summit system).


Conclusion – God will raise us as witnesses for evangelism. Evangelism is everything that saves us, our church, and the age. May you rise as disciples that conquer with evangelism and conquer evangelism.

6.12.2022 English Pulpit
