From the Womb to Eternity (Psalm 90:10-17) 8/22/2021

The Field of Answers of 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:




Last week, we shared the Word about the three journeys that children of God take throughout their lives. There is a different path for us; there are different answers that we will receive. What are the three journeys? God will make our lives, even if it is full of scars and shortcomings, into His evidence (journey of a witness). He will save us to save the world and heal us to heal the world (journey of an evangelist). The life and blessings that we will enjoy do not end on earth. It is something eternal (eternal journey). God has given us this blessing through the Word as His promise, fulfilled it all through Christ. He desires us to experience this through all life’s problems and events. All together, we call this the “covenant journey.”
In order to avoid three things as we embark on our blessed journey, the covenant must become our imprint, root, and nature. Imprinting means the changing the standard of our thoughts. Since we are not imprinted with the covenant, when problems come, we also become filled with worries, anxiety, hatred, and anger. This creates stress in our bodies and leads to toxins and cancer. Rooting means being able to stand unshaken no matter what problems we face. Turmoil creates unbelief towards God. The more you shake and have unbelief, the more you lost hold of your blessings (Israel’s 40 years of wilderness). Nature means we do not become deceived by our worries and unbelief, which means we will receive answers even when we merely think about it (Ephesians 3:20), and life itself will become blessings (Romans 12:1-2).

As we walk this journey, we must have a standard by which we can gauge whether we are on the right path. Life is not simply living diligently. If we are diligently following the wrong path, it will be that much more difficult to make it back (why we need GPS).


  1. Time schedule. God has given us the time schedule of 24, 25, and eternity.

1) 24 is the time that God has allotted to us.

Moses, who wrote Psalm 90, said our life span is about 70 to 80 years. Looking back, he saw that his life was full of hard work and sorrow, and even that time flew by. How must we live our lives?(Moses’s  24 concentration)

He prayed for the wisdom to be able to number our days (verse 12).

God is the one who set our dates and leads our lives. Wisdom is being able to acknowledge Him and give thanks to him. If we lose hold of this, our days will feel meaningless and tedious. You lived diligently but did not amount to anything.

② He prayed for God to have compassion, or mercy on him (verse 13). He was yearning for God’s help. Try to receive God’s help on everything (studies, work, business, ministry). If you are someone who asks for God’s help, everything you do, no matter how small, will be God’s masterpiece.

He confessed we are weak, but satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days (verse 14).

God’s people will not be satisfied if they are not filled with this love of God, even if you possess everything. If you spend some time at the start of your day concentrating on God’s love, you will feel joy and courage. You will be able to see what you need to do. The state in which you are full of God’s wisdom, help, and love is spiritual summit. We absolutely must make and enjoy this time.

2) 25 will follow when you enjoy the blessing of 24. Everything will become God’s masterpiece.

Moses’ birth and childhood was tragic. Because of the state of the nation at that time, he was thrown out into the river. Even that became God’s masterpiece.

The princess of Egypt had come outside to shower when she noticed baby Moses in the river. He thus became a prince and became a siblings with other princes of Egypt.

All the academia and leadership he learned from the palace became the training he needed to lead the Israelites later down the road. All the studies and devotion that you do as you have your own summit time will become God’s masterpiece that will save this age. Sometimes, God will make the things that you end up having to do against your desire become absolute blessings (Matthew 27:32, Romans 16:13).

Every moment of pain and failure in Moses’ life also became God’s masterpiece. For as many days as he has been afflicted, and for as many years as he suffered, God changed it all into blessings to make him happy (verse 14). That saved Israel from slavery and suffering, and that same gospel has come to save us (Moses’ 237 missions).

3) Eternity is the blessing that will continue to our posterity and onto our eternal future even after we leave. All of God’s work will be shown to us and our children as eternal glory (verse 16).


  1. Roadmap. In our paths, there are certain goals that God has given. The guideline that will help us toward those things is the roadmap. Even non-believers that are way ahead in their path of leadership possess this.

1) Coming-of-age ceremony. The Israelites of the Old Testament, the Jewish, really kept this well.

We are to discover the talents that God has given us in our childhood. There is a talent that God has given to each one of us.

It is a concern to not be able to find it, but it is even more of a concern if we think those God-given talents are of our own.

With that, we are preparing for a life that will be guided by God within the Word.

This is the reason the Jewish hold their coming-of-age ceremony at 13 years old, in which they read the Word and give their own sermons. They are the adults that move the world. Follow the Word. It will protect you (Psalm 107:20), give you wisdom (Psalm 119:98-100), and become the light of your path (Psalm 119:105).

2) Missioning ceremony. You are discovering the mission of your life.

Why must God bless us and fill us with his power? It is because we need to stand as a witness (Acts 1:8). Pray holding onto the reason, and challenge yourself holding onto the mission (in front of non-believing family members, friends, and the world).

Do not hold onto your problems as scars, but hold onto it as a mission for you to save people just like you. It will no longer be a problem.

This is why God sent off Moses into 40 years of pain and despair. In 40 years, God made Moses fully experience the Israelites’ 400 years of slavery (Exodus 3:7-9).

It is better to realize this when you are a remnant (like Joseph, Samuel, and Timothy). Even though Moses realized this at 80 years old, God extended his life up to 120 years to fulfill his mission (Deuteronomy 34:7).

3) Commissioning ceremony. This is the field that God is sending you to. Remnants are the spiritual soldiers of your fields (school, workplace, military). You are the spiritual commander for God’s kingdom in your field (Isaiah 55:4).

As Christ commissioned all church members, he promised the blessing of the throne, the power to transcend time and space, and the power of the light for 237. This is when you hold onto your identity of a spiritual watchman, spiritual doctor, and ambassador of Christ. One or two people is all it takes. God could not find even ten of these people in Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:32).


Conclusion – By God’s grace, every work of our hands will become firmly established (verse 17). This is the only, uniqueness, and recreation system. May our lives become a life that God takes responsibility for from before birth to eternity.

8.22.2021 english
