God’s Spiritual Masterpiece – Antenna (Isaiah 62:10-12) 8/28/2022

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God’s Spiritual Masterpiece – Antenna (Isaiah 62:10-12)                 8/28/2022



God desires to raise His saved people as the spiritual masterpiece that will save the age and the future (3 masterpieces – platform, watchtower, antenna). It is not a new blessing that we have not seen before. He is restoring the blessing that had originally been given to us (Genesis 1:26-28). That is why the word “salvation” means restoration. The goal and the conclusion of this salvation is for our lives to become God’s masterpiece. Theologically, this is called sanctification and glorification (Romans 8:30), and Revelation 22:1-5 shows how tremendous this blessing is.

Why are there 3 masterpieces? It is because it can block the curses and disasters of the 3 ages that are fast approaching and save the 3 ages. Ultimately, Satan is working to destroy the church, the field, and our posterity.

What is the blessing of the platform? It is the blessing that allows us to stand as the source of blessings (Genesis 12:1-3). The source of all sources is the blessing of the heavenly throne. Since we have become the source, everything will return and all streams will flow around us. We have to enjoy this blessing in order to save our families, family line, future generations, the field, the church, and the world.

What is the blessing of the watchtower? It is a blessing that allows us to protect ourselves, our fields, as well as our posterity from this age and the future that are covered in darkness. First, God will become our life’s watchtower. Then we will be the watchtower for this world. As the watchtower, we fight the spiritual war for ourselves and our posterity and enjoy spiritual victory (Song of Songs 4:4 – one thousand watchtowers).

This week, we will look into the last of the three masterpieces – the spiritual antenna.


  1. We are to share this blessing of the gospel to all nations (237), peoples (five thousand tribes) and our posterity.

1) This is a rightful mission. If we cannot relay this blessing, we will be locked up and tied down by darkness, curses, disasters, and suffering. The COVID-19 had emerged from China, and a war has broken out in Ukraine, but the entire world is suffering along with them. If we are only concerned about saving ourselves, our own families, our country and its people, then we will fall along with the rest of the world.

2) This is the absolute mission. It is God’s heart, His pain, and His desire for all nations and people to live. The Jewish nation that was chosen first lost hold of this, so they fell into slavery, captivity, colonization, and a nomadic life (Genesis 12:1-3).


  1. We must have something we enjoy in order to relay it to others.

1) That is the gospel. Christ has come as the gospel, and it is a blessing of the throne we must enjoy within that Christ. God’s son had come down to solve life’s fundamental curse that we could not solve (John 19:30, Romans 8:1-20). We have now become children of God within Christ. We have become the ones to enjoy the heavenly blessings together (Ephesian 1:3-5).

2) We must train ourselves to communicate with the heavenly throne 24 hours.

The main role of the antenna is communication. We must become the antenna that receives and enjoys the blessing given from above. One of the most prominent technological revolutions of the 20th and the 21st century is the semiconductor. The world is now communicating through transistor radios, TVs, and 5G internet. There must be an antenna that receives the information coming from the semiconductors. What is the method by which God works within our lives through the blessing of His throne? He does so by the antenna of the throne.

This happens when we hold onto the Word of God. Do we know what kind of great works that the Word of God can fulfill? It says that the Word of God is God Himself. The one who came in the flesh form of that Word is Christ (John 1:14). God has given salvation through the Word (2 Timothy 3:15) and healing through the Word (Hebrews 4:12), and He will give us victory in our spiritual battles through the Word (Ephesians 6:17). It says that in the end times, Christ will give judgement over this corrupted world through the Word (Revelation 19:13-16). If we begin our days holding onto the Word, our day will be connected to the heavenly throne. This is why we must always edit our lives that we live according to our own standards and thoughts with the Word. Our lives will be connected to the throne.

This happens when we pray looking upon the heavenly throne. Our prayers will be delivered up to the throne by angels who carry our prayers above (Revelation 8:3-4)

As much as we pray, God will give us the power of the throne (power of light) and will give us unprecedented answers and evidence. We may have many plans, but we must try to make a blueprint for each day as well as our entire lives within prayer.

This happens when we have the heart to live to save lives around us in evangelism and missions. When the disciples went out and preached the gospel, the Lord was with them and showed them many signs (evidence) (Mark 16:20). This is why we must design our lives around saving others and the world through evangelism and missions. If we can connect our studies, skills, and businesses to world evangelization, then God will make it shine the light. That is design.


  1. How are we going to relay this blessing of the throne that we have realized and enjoy? Let us look at verse 10 in the passage. Last week, I explained the three camps with this verse.

1) “Pass through the gates and prepare the highway for the people.” First, our studies and occupations must match the 237 nations. Even if there is an antenna, the frequency must match. In simple terms, everything that we do must match the frequency of God’s heart that desires to save us, all nations and people. Within the church, we must equip the culture, environment, and the system that welcomes all people from 237 nations.

2) “Remove the stones.” Everyone’s hearts are hurt and diseased (depressions, anger management, panic disorders). We must possess the correct healing message. These problems do not just come. There is Satan’s strategy (spiritual problems). He deceived the first life Adam and Eve, raised conflict among siblings, brought on various disasters, and he leads everyone into corruption and despair. If we can correctly relay the Christ that had come to destroy the work of this devil, then healing will begin (1John 3:8, Acts 10:38). These are spiritual doctors. We must form a healing specialist team in the medical field to save the field and go into 237 nations.

3) “Raise a banner for all nations.” In the military, there are those who hold up the flag for the captain. We must stake our lives for the gospel and stand as the summit that can fight alongside the Lord. Then, we must go out and rise others. All remnants must meaningfully challenge toward the summit staking your lives for the gospel (language summit, financial summit, political summit, cultural summit).

Conclusion (verse 12) – Others will call us holy people (Holy Mason, Holy Leader, Holy Diaspora). We will be called the redeemed of the Lord. That means we will be witnesses that the world and even unbelievers acknowledge. We are Sought After, and a City no longer Deserted. These are the remained ones, and our pain and tears will become the antenna and masterpiece that saves the world. May we have victory in this covenant.


8.28.22 English Pulpit
