How Beautiful are the Feet (Romans 10:10-15) 9/15/2024

Eternal Answer of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

How Beautiful are the Feet (Romans 10:10-15)                              9/15/2024


In verse 15 it says, “how beautiful are the feet.” What kind of feet? This was mentioned and emphasized twice in the Old Testament as well (Isaiah 52:7, Nahum 1:15). How will our feet become beautiful in God’s eyes? Why is it emphasized twice in the Bible?

The feet that God deems beautiful are the ones of those who spread the Gospel. There are two reasons. First is because those feet carry God’s desire of saving all nations. Second is because God is the one who sends us out for that work. God said, “and how can anyone preach unless they are sent?” and He called those feet beautiful.

No matter how lacking we are, if we embrace God’s heart within our own and align our lives to that, God will pour down all things upon all individuals, posterity, and the church. That is how God has led and blessed our church for the past 28 years. We are commissioning short-term missionaries for the 13th time. This will become everyone’s blessings.

We see the book of Romans as a letter that Paul wrote in the region of Corinth for Roman Evangelization. During the time of Emperor Claudius, Paul met Priscilla and Aquila who were exiled from Rome. He raised them as coworkers and Disciples who will join in the work of sharing the Gospel (Acts 18:1-3). From then, Paul placed Rome in his heart (Acts 19:21). His intentions of establishing a system in Rome to reach the ends of the earth, which was Spain at that time, was the background of the book of Romans (Romans 15:28).


  1. As I meditate on this scripture, I hold onto three prayer topics and covenants regarding the Fiji and Tonga Missions.

1) We are helping to establish the doors that have opened through our Missionary Chul Min Yang of Tonga, who we have been praying for and supporting, as well as our lay leader missionaries James and Christine Lal who we commissioned, to become continuous Gospel Systems. The Pilgrims from Rome in Acts 2 received the Gospel. They returned to Rome and established a church in great hardship. Priscilla and Aquila was raised. Paul went in and established a system that would continue the Gospel movement through his ministries. The work of saving Spain and all of Europe followed.

2) Fiji and Tonga are the beginning. We hold onto the Covenant of raising churches and Disciples that will save all 14 Island Nations. A team was established a long time ago in Korea for the purpose of saving these 14 Nations. Our church has now begun a part of that purpose. One of the fruits were the 20 Remnants that came from the 14 Island Nations to the World Remnant Conference this year.

3) The important thing is how accurate of the Gospel we are going to relay for that purpose. Doing a lot of work is not important. “the Gospel of Only Christ” must remain in them. Even if one Disciple or one church that goes all in for the Gospel are established, God can save the world through them.


  1. This is what Paul emphasized in the book of Romans.

What did Paul cry out in pain about in Romans? It explains why the Jewish people who were chosen first crumbled and became slaves, captives, and colonies in suffering (the state of the churches in this age). We spoke about this last week. They lost hold of “what God is about to do.” What God is about to do is the Gospel. Only the Gospel can change our individual sins, curses, spiritual problems, and destiny. It can change our posterity, family line, and nations. Only the Gospel can turn all our hidden scars, conflicts, unbelief, and failure into blessings.

1) We must have a sure answer and conclusion as to what the Gospel is (Romans 1).

The Gospel is the fact that the Son of God came down to solve the problems of our lives that we could never solve on our own. It was continuously promised (v2). Physically, He came as the descendant of David. Spiritually, He resurrected to show evidence (v3-4).

What did the Son of God do when he came? He died tragically on the cross and resurrected. Through his death and resurrection, we have been delivered from all curses, destiny, and hell. We have been given eternal life of resurrection. All we need to do is believe that and accept Him (Romans 10:10).

From that moment on, we can enjoy the deep things of God. We call that the “gift” or “gift of grace” (v11). That is Jesus life (salvation), and following that is Jesus Authority and Jesus Power (v16-17). Before this Authority and Power, all forces of darkness and spiritual beings of Satan will crumble.

2) What must the ones with this Gospel do?

Discard the things that are not the Gospel (Romans 2-4). People with the Gospel suffer and become deceived because they do the wrong things or things they should not do (3Corinthians 10:4). We cannot deem ourselves righteous, judge or condemn others (2). This fatally blocks the Gospel. Before God, no one is righteous (3:10). We all fall short of the glory of God (3:23). That is why God presented Christ as a Sacrifice of Atonement for us and gave us His Righteousness (3:25). There is nothing for us to boast about or be arrogant about (4). God gave us Abraham and David as a model.

Now, we must hold onto the correct Gospel and enjoy all the things God gave to us (Romans 5-8).

Enjoy His absolute love (Romans 5:8). Do not doubt His love for you. He will in no circumstance give up on you.

Enjoy His new life (Romans 6:4). We are not meant to live as slaves to sin and the world. Step by step, challenge yourself toward the things that God delights in (“free from sin and slaves to righteousness” Romans 6:18).

He has now become our spiritual husband (Romans 7:1-2). We must no longer be bound by our past (scars, limitations, powerlessness).

In Him, we have become eternal children of God (Romans 8:15-17). We became heirs that will enjoy all things of God. Therefore, God will make all thing into good (Romans 8:28) and will graciously give us all things (Romans 8:32). If we stand within this Gospel of grace and live our lives as those who possess this Gospel, our life itself will be eternal blessings and eternal joy.

3) There are three things that follow.

True faith (9). “it depends on God’s mercy” (Romans 9:16). We do all things with thanksgiving in response to that grace.

True Evangelism and Missions (10). Those who embrace this blessing and grace of the Gospel are going out to their field, the world, and to the ends of the earth.

True humility (11). Remember how the Israelites lost hold of that grace and fell into their own efforts and self-righteousness. God has chosen us, the Gentiles, to spread the Gospel to all the earth (“Remained Ones” of Romans 11:4).

④ True devotion (“Living Sacrifice”) (12-16). The blessing of “Protector,” “Coworker,” and “Supporter” or Romans 16.


Conclusion – All mission trip members must meditate on this Gospel and look upon grace and Answers- 24 as we go on this mission trip. Your footsteps will be beautiful. May all those commissioning the team continue to support in 24 Prayer and may the answer that works through transcending time.

9_15_2024 English Pulpit
