Joseph’s Conquest of the World (Genesis 41:38-40) 1/30/2022

The 24 Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

                              Joseph’s Conquest of the World (Genesis 41:38-40)                                    1/30/2022


Why do problems and disasters continue in the world, and people suffer? In the end, it is due to humankind’s greed and the works of Satan, the spirit of darkness, that instigate that very greed and lead the world into darkness. However, people hide their greed, blame others, and even blame God and resent Him. The Bible says that God does not inflict evil on anyone and does tempt with evil for anyone to fall (James 1:13-15). We can understand if an unbeliever says that because they do not know spiritual things. However, believers are giving these excuses and crumbling. In the Bible, why did Saul fail? Individuals like Judas Iscariot among Jesus’s disciples, Ananias and Sapphira of the Early Church, Demas who betrayed Paul and left (2 Timothy 4:10), crumbled this way. Satan deceived them. Last week, Jacob’s failure came in this manner. However, God saved, healed, renewed, and used him when he sought God’s grace and held onto the gospel.

On the contrary, what happens if someone is envied, betrayed, and unfairly treated despite never harming someone? This is like Joseph in the passage. One must hold onto the greatest plan of God in that moment and problem. Things work out if one deeply enjoys God and waits by considering it as a time to enjoy the deep answers God has prepared (9 blessings of the throne). He will save himself, the field, and all people with that blessing and answer. This is the life of a true conqueror. Joseph is that model.


  1. Joseph lost hold of everything and enjoyed the most fundamental thing in a place where he had nothing (blessing of the three life).

Even if a person of God does not have anything else and cannot enjoy something else, he can enjoy this blessing. Everything else follows naturally. There are three blessings of spiritual life that God has given us during creation which He continues to restore in Christ.

1) It is the image of God that He gave as He created life (Genesis 1:27)

What is the image of God?

It is not the flesh that is visible. It is spirit. Humans are different from animals because humans are beings with a spirit. Thus, the expression “the supreme of creation” is used for humans. It means that they are spiritual beings, superior beings. We receive the life lost after Adam the moment we accept Christ (John 14:6, John 5:24, 1 John 5:11-12).

If this spiritual life does not exist or is diseased, the relationship with God will be difficult, and one will become obsessed with carnal and worldly things.

When the greed for carnal things is continuously pursued, everything becomes diseased, and one’s life eventually becomes a life that runs errands for Satan (Joseph’s brothers).

2) God breathed His breath into our life, our soul (Genesis 2:7).   

By saying He breathed His breath; it does not only pertain to living life. He did not do that with animals.

It means that He breathed the power of the Holy Spirit into us. The same phrase is used when referring to the recording of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16). This is why the power of the Holy Spirit works upon us when we worship and especially when we hold onto the word. It is the same works of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, a believer’s times of loneliness and unfair treatment are an opportunity to enjoy the deep things of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).

Joseph enjoyed this when he was sold as a slave and imprisoned (Genesis 39:2,3,23).

3) When my soul enjoys God, every place I am in becomes the Garden of Eden (heaven, kingdom of God) (Genesis 2:1-19).

Why is the Garden of Eden called Eden?

It is because God was with them there. It is the same for the new heaven and earth that we will enjoy. Regardless of how much money a family has without any lacking, that place becomes hell if it is not a place where God is with.

Make every place (family, work, school) I am in a place where God works (kingdom of God).

Even if you may be the only one there, hold onto the word and pray. The forces of darkness that try to deceive and destroy us will crumble (Matthew 12:28). You will enjoy the blessing of everything and everyone in the place of nothing and nobody, just like Joseph.


  1. The blessing and answer that Joseph enjoyed are called the blessings of the three transcendences.

1) What are the three transcendences?

The Triune God, who is on the throne, sees Himself, sends angels, and works. That is when the works that transcend time and space take place. That is when the power of the light that saves all the people in darkness is revealed.

2) This is not absolutely difficult. God desires us to experience the blessings of the three transcendences that Joseph enjoyed in this age.  

He enjoyed this in Potiphar’s household, where he had been brought as a slave.  

Everything Joseph did was prosperous because God was with Him (Genesis 39:3). Joseph found favor in his master’s sight and became the overseer of his house and fields, and everything was blessed (Genesis 39:5). The works in which my workplace and everyone related to me is blessed through me is the blessing of the throne that we must enjoy.

He enjoyed this in prison he was sent to after refusing Potiphar’s wife’s temptation.

He could not betray the master that had trusted him. Although it could have become a comfortable way temporarily, he knew that it would become a way to death. Therefore, he chose prison. However, God gave Joseph an even more important blessing of meetings there.

He went to the palace and gave the king an answer.  

Even a king becomes hopeless when faced with problems. Joseph shined God’s light at that time. Because the God of the throne worked upon him, that became an answer. We also need this power of light when we evangelize someone (Mark 16:18-20). Christ has become our light. Stand as one who enjoys and shines the light.


  1. God’s eternal masterpiece was created in Joseph’s life as he went through these life courses (3 unprecedented works).

It is an unprecedented life that is only lived once. My life becomes even more unprecedented when I am saved (Isaiah 43:1-2). If we experience these unprecedented works of God in all problems and environments, we will revive ourselves, the church, and the world.

1) Pharoah looks at Joseph as an individual and acknowledges by saying, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?”

The king had felt Joseph’s spiritual depth and acknowledged him as an unprecedented individual (spirituality, uniqueness). He also acknowledged the discernment and wisdom that came from that. Experience this in all problems and pain. You enjoy this blessing as much as you look upon God. My environment, identity, and age does not matter. Joseph was 30 years old at this time (verse 46).

2) Unprecedented works will take place because of me and my church that God has allowed.

We ourselves are the church (1 Corinthians 3:16). Our family is also a church (Ephesians 5:22-32). That is where we must relay the blessing to our posterity. The church is strengthened when those blessing gathers. All remnants must prepare for the future and save it (3 camps). Joseph saved his brothers who had sold him and their children and established the 12 tribes of Israel.

3) Joseph saved all surrounding nations during the seven-year famine by selling the food he had gathered up in advance.

We call something like this the economy of light and the system of the economy of light that will save the 237 nations.



Conclusion – God had made a setting for Joseph to enjoy these nine blessings of the throne through everything he went through. Therefore, me alone and another spiritual summit raised through me is important. May every one of us be victorious in this covenant.

1.30.2022 English Pulpit
