Moses’ Conquest of the World (Exodus 3:6-12) 2/6/2022

The 24 Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

                               Moses’ Conquest of the World (Exodus 3:6-12)                                           2/6/2022


Moses is one of the prophets representing the Old Testament (Acts 7:37). He was used in the works of saving Israel that had crumbled after Joseph’s time through 400 years of slavery to Egypt. He received the law and delivered it to the people of God and was used in recording five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. He made all platforms for the Israelites that had come out of Egypt to go into Canaan and raised disciples like Joshua and Caleb, who would become the devoted next-generation leaders. It said that

God spoke to Moses face to face as a man spoke to his friend. Moses also faced much pain until He was used as God’s servant and masterpiece. That is God’s love and grace. He was born when Joseph had died, and Abraham’s descendants were enslaved to Egypt. He was abandoned on the river by his parents was discovered and adopted by an Egyptian princess (pain during birth and upbringing). Fortunately, Moses’ mother hid the fact that she was his biological mother, nursed him, and planted the identity of a Hebrew nation (pain of a TCK). To save a Hebrew, he murdered an Egyptian official and lived as a fugitive (pain as a criminal). He fled to Midian, where he met a Midian woman and gave birth to two sons, but that could not provide him comfort. It was to where he named his son “Gershom” (I have been a sojourner) (Exodus 2:22). Why am I extensively explaining Moses’ pain? We may have similar pain, but we must not give any excuses. God used all of that and saved the Age of Moses and made him into a masterpiece and disciple who saves and conquers.


  1. How was Moses used as a disciple who saved the age?

1) It was a decision made in God’s absolute plan. We are those who are chosen in the same way the moment we are saved (Ephesians 1:3-5, 1 Peter 2:9).

We must find our life’s absolute worth here. We are those chosen to be used by God. Therefore, we can become a masterpiece.

2) God has given His absolute plan as a covenant. It is the same as the covenant He repeatedly gave since the time of Abraham.    

God emphasizes, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham.” (Verse 6). Then what does God say to Moses? He reconfirms the repeated covenant again (verses 7-12).

God says He has seen the suffering and cry of His people and has come down (verse 7-8). It is the covenant of Christ.  

The sin and curses that man carries after Adam and the spiritual problems that Satan brings behind that all come from being separated from God. Hod sent His Son because we cannot solve this on our own. He became the Priest that forgives our sins and curses through death (Colossians 1:14), the King that destroyed the works of the Devil (1 John 3:8), and the Prophet that leads us to God (John 14:6). He has finished our life’s fundamental problems and saved us from all our life’s problems.

Deliverance is not the end. They would be led to a land that is beautiful, grand, and flowing with milk and honey (verse 8). It is the covenant of blessings.

God will change the life that is oppressed with scars to a beautiful life, a life that is always lacking and inadequate to a great and grand life, a life that is filled with suffering into a life that enjoys true happiness that overflows with milk and honey. It will become a life that enjoys God’s blessings.

Why must He save and bless me like this? He tells us to go (verse 9). He will send me to save the world (verse 10).

This is evangelism and missions, the covenant of world evangelization. “All people and nations on earth will be blessed through you.”

What is God’s method? He said, “I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you that I have sent you.”

Do not be afraid of any problems, enemies, or environments. Everything ends when God is with you. Moses, who had failed and was incompetent due to old age, was on this journey of the covenant being fulfilled.



  1. God’s time schedule was in Moses’ journey of the covenant being fulfilled.  

It is not time that just flows by. It is the time schedule in which God’s time schedule is being fulfilled (Ecclesiastes 9:11). Hold onto this as a roadmap.

1) Be equipped with the basics and foundation that gives God no choice but to use you (time schedule of the Coming of Age Ceremony).  

You do not become an adult just because you age. Do not be at the level of an adult child.

This is why children receive family discipline from the parents, education from school, and Sunday school education at church.   

It is to create the basics and foundation, discover the God-given talents, and prepare for the future. This is given to everyone. No parent teaches terrible things to their children. It is learning the basics. They learn to obey, serve, yield, and help through relationships with parents and siblings. They learn basic knowledge and social skills at school. At church, they learn the relationship with God, with other believers and church members, and the church that one’s life needs to enjoy fundamentally.

Moses learned this in the Egyptian palace until he was 40 years old as he grew up with his biological mother, who was his caretaker (Acts 7:22).

Martin Luther and John Knox said that a family, school, and church are institutions established by God and that they should cooperate to raise future leaders. It is not only about religious reformers. These three institutions were present when God used America.

2) It is a time to realize the mission of how I will live my life and fulfill God’s Will (time schedule of the Missioning Ceremony).

Acts 7:23 states, “It came into his heart to visit his brothers, the children of Israel.” Working hard, making much money, and getting high positions does not mean everything will work out.

Even unbelievers who do important works realize their mission in their work (vocation, profession).     

How can we help others who are weak and in difficulty? Use the role and position given by society, a job, and government for their mission.

A person of God must go beyond that (1 Peter 2:9).

God desires us to stand as people whom the society, workplace, and country acknowledge and as ones whom God accepts and uses (heavenly mandate). We must stand as ones who shine the light of Christ (watchman’s watchtower), saves (spiritual doctor), and relay (spiritual ambassador) in the place we are in.

Are there problems and pain in me and my children? It is the way to stand as a specialized worker who can save others like me.   

God sent Moses through 40 years of pain for him to resonate and sympathize with Israel’s 400 years of pain (Hebrews 4:15).

3) Eventually, the time schedule for Moses to go to the king of Egypt and proclaim the gospel and save the Israelites came (Time schedule of the Commissioning Ceremony).

God repeated three times, “I will send you” (verses 10,14,15). This is what the word “apostle” means.

God has commissioned me to my field.

I am the apostle, evangelist, and missionary of my field.   

You will experience the five powers and the nine blessings of the throne when you hold onto the covenant of being commissioned and truly pray.

Although he went with only a staff in his hand, the ten miracles in Egypt and the splitting of the red sea took place. These were all the blessings that he experienced in the wilderness.


Conclusion – If possible, train these three-time schedules and go to the world. People who started to believe later in life and older need to hold onto Moses’ covenant (Deuteronomy 34:7). May your life be used in these three blessings lifelong.

2.6.2022 English Pulpit
