People Who Save the Empty Places (Acts 8 :4-8) 9/12/2021

The Field of Answers of 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

                       People Who Save the Empty Places (Acts 8 :4-8)                                   9/12/2021


Last week, we reflected on what God’s goal and conclusion for our life is. It is to make us God’s masterpiece. To say that God raises us as witnesses to save the world and that God raises us as spiritual summits who will conquer and rule the world are the same thing. God created us in His image for this reason. To be created in God’s image means that God’s everything is within that. The Greek word “poema” comes from the expression “one who is created,” which also means “workmanship (masterpiece).” The English word “poem” is derived from that as well. Although God’s masterpiece became damaged, lost its color, and much power due to man’s greed and Satan’s deception behind that, God desires to restore us in Christ. That restoration is salvation. God will continuously form us until Christ’s image is revealed in us (healing, spiritual maturity, sanctification). We must establish at least three things in us. That is also called making our imprint, root, and nature or establishing a setting.




  1. The me that God has created. More specifically, it is me that has been recreated in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

1) My true identity and power that has changed in Christ. This is called the spiritual self-image, spiritual identity.   

No matter what others may say, we who have accepted Christ have been delivered in Christ (Romans 8:1-2). You can be deceived by your nature, growth process, and scars and stumble even after being saved. That is simply being deceived and falling, but you are not failing. You just need to get up and start anew. You heal, change and grow step by step. It does not mean that you can live however you want because you have been freed. You cannot continuously live life running errands for Satan. It means that you are legally a free man who can start anew even if you stumble. An imprisoned person will always be a prisoner no matter how well he behaves. Be aware of Satan’s 12 strategies and fight against them. You are those who could lose a battle but not the war.

No matter what others may say, we have become Children of God in Christ. The seven identities and authorities are tremendous things.  

It is from the moment you are saved (John 1:12). You are an adopted child, not a slave (Romans 8:15-17). You are those who will enjoy all of God’s blessings (Ephesians 1:3-5).

No matter what others may say, we are those who will save the world in Christ (1 Peter 2:9).

He raised us as the watchmen of light for the world. I need to shine the light in my life. People are unwittingly being subdued by darkness, and we are the spiritual doctors who will save them in Christ’s name. We are ambassadors of Christ who make darkness crumble wherever we go (kingship), save people (priest’s authority), and give answers (prophet’s authority). In the passage, Deacon Philip alone merely proclaimed Christ, and changes that saved Samaria took place.

2) We must edit, plan and design our life with the gospel always, every day, and 24 hours.  

Who am I (edit)? How will I stand (plan)? How will I be used before the world before I go (design)? If this does not take place, we are always bound by scars (loneliness, poverty, unfairness). A victim mentality becomes imprinted. That develops into a defeated mentality and roots down as incompetence, powerlessness, and depression. Eventually, that creates a failure nature (regression, avoidance, aggressive actions, crime).


  1. What God has given to me. Everything that I possess becomes God’s blessing the moment I am saved.

When does that happen? When I hold onto God’s absolute reason for giving me those things.

1) Why does God allow me to live on earth? Because I must become a witness in my place (school, work, business).

People must see God through me there. It is also because there are people who will meet Christ in that place.

2) Why does God need to fulfill the power of the throne, power that transcends time and space and unprecedented works in my life?

People will gather around me when I receive God’s blessings and answers. We must meet the people who need to stand as witnesses with me in my place (disciples). This means to enjoy the blessing of a team who will go with you for only Christ and world evangelization and raise those disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).

3) This is the same reason why God allows pain and problems to me.

It is so that I can see the world through my problems (message and eye to see the world) and be used in the works to save the world. All the seven remnants were used this way. They saw the world from their problems, family problems, church problems, and problems of that age and went forth as ones to save the world. This was the same for deacon Philip from the passage. He was one of those who were scattered during tribulations (verse 4). Paradoxically speaking, he would not have been used in that way if those problems and pain had not existed. Change everything into a God-given message, mission, and thanksgiving. If that is the journey and method I must take to become God’s masterpiece, there is no choice but to be thankful (Psalms 50:14, 15, 23).


  1. My absolute field that God has given. If you pray upon this, you will see the 237 empty places that you must go to.

Why is it an empty place? It is a place with no gospel, an abandoned place, and a deserted place that no one sees or goes to (Samaria).

1) The most important empty place is within me. There is an empty place that only God and I know.

Things will grow more difficult if you try to fill the void with other things. Fill it with only Christ, the kingdom of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit. In other words, this is called being filled with Christ, filled with the Kingdom of God, and the filling of the Holy Spirit. If I cannot enjoy being filled with the things of God, my inner side becomes a place for the seven devils to work (Matthew 12:44-45). Have concentration that saves me (limited concentration). Create a spiritual rhythm with prayer and have deep time.

2) The empty place in the church. If the church becomes an empty place, the spiritual lighthouse of the posterity and this nation vanishes.

Always pray about how I can be used to save the church and discover the works that need my help in the church. Have concentration that saves the church (selective concentration). Have the concentration that saves the church, region, and nation (multi-ethnic).

3) The empty places in the fields of the 237 nations. Look at the fields of the entire world and place them in your prayer. That is our vessel.

Disasters continue, and starvation and refugees are on a massive influx. Conversely, some people have money, power, popularity, and fame, but spiritual problems strike them. In reality, they are wandering and being obsessive. Concentrate on what God desires from us for the works to save the fields of the 237 nations (oneness concentration). When the family and church become oneness, it becomes a system that saves the world (summit training center, healing center, 237 center).


Conclusion – We are going on the journey of becoming God’s masterpiece that pleases and compels God to use us in Christ. May you all become those who save the empty place, the absolute field God desires, in that blessing.

9.12.2021 english
