Prayer Conquest of the 70 Disciples (Hebrews 11:36-40) 6/5/2022

24 Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

Prayer Conquest of the 70 Disciples (Hebrews 11:36-40)                          6/5/2022


God has called us as disciples to conquer and save the world. More specifically, we call those individuals the 70 worker disciples. The 70 worker disciples live as witnesses in their business fields, live as truly successful individuals, and are evangelists with evidence who save their fields and people around them.

Why does God need to make everything into evidence for us? It is because we are the remaining ones. God has set us apart for us to become those who remain, who will remain, and will leave behind in all problems and circumstances. Through us, another disciple will arise.

Why does God need to bless his disciples to become truly successful people? It is because only then, will they be able to save and change the world that is covered and crumbling in darkness. Most believers have fallen into the world and have faced failures and oppression. God did not save us to end up this way. Last week, we received the Word about holding onto the covenant of success that God has prepared.

All God’s people of the Bible lived as such witnesses in their lifetime. A majority of them were lay people disciples. Their environment, reality, persecution, injustice, or anything around them did not matter. Verse 38 says, “the world was not worthy of them.” Even as a lowly slave as Joseph was, it did not matter. All problems were an opportunity to stand before the king. There were also individuals like Obadiah in the age of Elijah. Even a king that worshipped idols had no choice but to use him in greatly important matters. The main figures of Roman evangelization from the Early Church were ordinary people. Simon was a leather craftsman, Lydia sold clothing, and Priscilla and Aquila made and sold tents. These people became the main figures of the evangelization of Rome, the superpower nation of that age.


  1. What was the secret of these individuals’ lives?

1) They possessed the absolute answer of Christ, who finished all problems. They were able to experience this through their own problems. Personal hardships (weaknesses, scars, conflicts) are opportunities to experience John 19:30. When we do not come to this conclusion within us, Satan continues to deceive and attack with same problems. It must become our imprint (standard of thought and decisions), root (ability to not shake under any circumstances), and nature (transformation of our character and lifestyle). When this happens, we can see the blessings and answers within problems.

2) When does this absolute solution become our imprint, root, and nature? When we hold onto that answer and pray. When we pray, the message settles down within our soul, heart and mind, and our deepest places.

3) More importantly, during that time, the work of the triune God works within us. The authority of Christ, who sits on the right hand of the heavenly throne, resides in us. Angels will be mobilized, and the darkness will be shattered. The Holy Spirit will work within us. When we listen to the Word, it will come to us as power. Whatever we do, it is not by our strength but the strength of God that governs us (5 powers). Then, we will be given the important answers and blessings that our Father has prepared. Though it is unseen to the eye, the heavenly angels will help us, and we will be able to overcome all things with the power and answers that we receive.


  1. What kind of prayer should we enjoy? We should enjoy prayer that overcomes at least three things (prayer conquest). This leads to the journey of a pilgrim that all believers and the 70 disciples must enjoy (2nd lecture of missionary training).

1) Pray a prayer to overcome yourself. This is the start of the path of pilgrimage.

God called us a “new creation” the moment we received salvation (2 Corinthians 5:17). We carry the same appearance and personality, so how are we a new creation? When our souls were reborn, the image of God has been stored inside of it (Genesis 1:27). When our soul looks upon God, the Holy Spirit works (Genesis 2:17). The kingdom of God comes upon us (Eden of Genesis 2:1-18). The blessing of Eden was not caused by anything or anyone. It was not caused by a certain environment. It began from the relationship between one man Adam and God.

Pray a prayer that shed your old self. Unbeknownst to ourselves, we dwell in our weaknesses, powerlessness, scars, and limits. God even gave us an example to “to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires and to put on the new self” (Ephesians 4:22-30). My Soul will be saved instantly the moment we accept Christ, but this is rather a process that we should continuously do until new imprints, roots, and habits are formed. Pray as you breathe. Exhale all things that must be discarded (exhale), and take in the power of God (inhale).

We are not struggling to change things. When we remain in prayer holding onto the covenant, the work of the triune God will arise. All weaknesses and scars within us will become evidence (evidence of training, platform, and vessel that embraces all things).

2) Pray a prayer that overcomes the field. This blessing is the journey of a pilgrim. Disciples, the true people of God, will meet many hardships in their fields along the way. It is unavoidable.

Your studies, workplaces, and people you need to meet are fields full of hardships. Not everything will be easy, and not everyone you meet will bless you. Like the passage, you will face unjust situations and perhaps be framed for something you did not do. This can happen in the family or the church. The more you assume important positions, the more you may face these things (Ephesians 6:12).

Pray for the kingdom of God to come upon that field. Angels will be mobilized to protect, and the flow of that field will change. If one or two people come together as a team, you will experience amazing power and authorities (Matthew 18:19-20). This is when the work of 3 transcendences (blessing of the throne, transcending time and space, and power of the light that saves 237 nations) will arise.

3) Pray a prayer that overcomes the future. This blessing is the spiritual world of pilgrims.

Churches are falling, the world is struggling, and the future generations are crumbling. However, we are living a different world.

Wait patiently as you have your personal, quiet, and concentration time. It is not forcefully grudging through frustration. It is joyfully waiting as you recognize the future and the conclusion. In verse 40, although nothing was being accomplished right then and there, they waited for better things that God has prepared.

Naturally, you will experience the work of only, uniqueness, and recreation. Only means that you are happy even when you are alone. That is because God becomes your only. Uniqueness is being able to create masterpieces even through the smallest things. Recreation is receiving evidence of reviving others and raising other disciples (platform, watch tower, antenna).

This is when you can see something for 237 nations you should challenge towards (CVDIP of seeing, enjoying, and experiencing in advance) As you dream a vision in prayer, God will open doors and create answers that are unprecedented and historical (Acts 19:21, 23:11, 26:24).


Conclusion – Conquer with prayer. Conquer prayer. God will create works of the heaven and earth that changes your field and the world.

6.5.22 Pulpit Message
