Raise the Posterity as Spiritual Victors (2 Timothy 2:1-7) 10/20/2024

Eternal Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

Raise the Posterity as Spiritual Victors (2 Timothy 2:1-7)                        10/20/2024



If we do not raise our posterity as spiritual victors, there will be no hope in the future (Isaiah 60:2, Matthew 24:3-13, 2Timothy 3:1-5). The ones who will be used as witnesses are the future generations (“ones who remained,” “remnant”).

Who is our children? Our physical children are very precious. They are God’s inheritance and reward (Psalm 127:3).

There are other children that God has entrusted to us beyond our own. The spiritual children within the church. In verse 1 of the passage, Paul calls Timothy “my son.” Paul gave his entire life for evangelism and missions and did not get married or have children. However, he left behind the most precious spiritual children, and they became eternal inheritance, masterpiece, and legacy. One of those people is Timothy in the passage. There are many others (Titus, leader of Early Church, and Onesimus). He left behind future generations that God remembered and used. Through these individuals, God changed the age and made his history.

Children who we must meet in the 237 field. They are people who we can help greatly with the least.

What must we do? We must raise first the bartizan that God can work through and help our children become those bartizans.


  1. The bartizans we must raise together for our future generations. When we establish a bartizan, God will send his watchmen and work without rest (Isaiah 62:6-7).

1) Bartizan that Israelites of Old Testament raised. It is the “bartizan of Shema” of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 as we talked about in the parent-teacher seminar.

① God made them hold onto the covenant of Canaan before going into Canaan (covenant of Christ). We must first hold onto the covenant of Christ, experience it, and enjoy it. We must become the model of enjoying the gospel. The moment we walked into Christ, we were set free from all curses, destiny, and powers of hell. Now we have become sources of God’s blessings, God’s children, and witnesses that will save the world. God will change everything into evidence.

② We are to love our God who gave us this covenant with all our heart, all our will, and all our life. He loved us in giving up his life for us and gave us blessings as covenant. This is our response to that love (proskuneo worship). Our children will watch and learn the way we know God as our only (priority), the way we love and obey God, and the way we devote. Verse 1-2 says, “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” Here, “the things you have heard me say” represents “things you learned from me.”

2) Bartizan that the New Testament (Early Church) believers raised. In other words, “the bartizan of unity” (Acts 2:44-47). This is why we do RUTC movement, and the children who grew up in this blessing changed the future.

① Prayer unity. Amidst persecution, they held onto Christ. When they gathered, they held onto the word of the apostles and prayed (Acts 2:42).

② Life unity. They gathered every day in Mark’s upper room or individual houses. They broke bread and had fellowship (Acts 2:42).

③ Share unity. In persecution, they were financially lacking. They shared their things, even sold their possessions, and helped others in need (Acts 2:44).

④ Worship unity. They came together in heart and met together in the temple courts (Acts 2:46).

⑤ Evangelism unity. They created teams for evangelism, and people complimented their works. It says, the “Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). This why the church is so important. This is the greatest inheritance our church can leave behind. Our children must grow up in this to stand as people who will save the world.


  1. There are three goals our children must hold onto (3-6). This leads to the three spiritual battles we must fight. This must be imprint, root, and nature (goal of our Sunday school, Summit school, Summit preschool).

1) Stand as a good soldier of the Christ(Vs.3). This is a spiritual battle against Satan. It says, “join me in suffering.” Soldiers do not only receive suffering. Their path requires them to stake their lives.

① The question is, suffering from who? There is a problem that began in Genesis 1:2. It is the entity that caused Adam to fall in Genesis 3:5. It is the entity of John 8:44 that drove the first children of Adam and Eve to suffering. It is someone that caused important people in 1Samuel 16:14-16 to become afflicted and brought their family and nation in danger. Revelation 12:17 says he exists to break down the church.

② Why does he say, “join me in suffering?” It is because suffering, pain, problems, and failure are not the end. Christ has indeed finished all problems (John 19:30). Even if problems come again, do not be afraid or be in despair. Hold onto the 3 answers. Problem is an absolute opportunity to hold onto God’s solution. Conflicts are opportunities to renew our vessels. Crises are the greatest opportunities for greater doors.

③ All we need to do is hold onto the name of Christ that has already won the victory and fight the spiritual battle. We are standing as spiritual victors (spiritual summit). He has given us the authority to have victory (Luke 10:19), and he has promised continuous victory (1Corinthians 15:57). It is a battle that is already won (1John 4:4).

2) It tells us to live the life of a runner of a race (Vs.5). The key to being a runner is the battle against oneself.

① Continuation. The race here is a marathon. The point of a marathon is not to come in first place. It is completing the race. Do not become discouraged and stop because of your environment, reality, or other people. Look upon only Christ and continue the covenant journey.

② It tells us to follow “the rules”. The rules represent God’s word. Only then we will receive the victor’s crown. Hold onto the word and meditate to protect your heart and mind (Psalm 119:105). Change everything into thanksgiving, and experience how God guards your heart and mind (Philippians 4:6-7). Experience how everything turns into answers when you hold onto the word and pray (John 15:7).

③ The final goal of a runner is proper delivery (succession). What baton is this? Look at the content of the gospel that the 1st generations have. Look at those blessings and the flow of answers. We will later stand as the ones to relay that flow. If we see incorrect flow, we can be the ones to change it (know the flow, relay the flow, and change the flow).

3) It says to learn the blessing of a farmer (Vs.6). This is the battle against the future.

① Remnants will see the future that God has prepared, hold onto it, enjoy it, and prepare and challenge today (CVDIP). First, we must sow the seeds. That is the challenge for our todays.

② Whatever you do, challenge toward your specialty 300% (Looking upon the throne, challenge for uniqueness. Hold onto the reason of saving the field and others like yourself. Challenge to establish a system).

③ Begin with a small seed (Matthew 17:20). Your small prayer, small devotion in the faith will be the holy seed that God will bless.


Conclusion – “Reflect on what I am saying” means “think about it deeply.” May all our 1st generation and all our remnants deeply enjoy the blessing of being soldiers of Christ, runners, and farmers who enjoy spiritual victory.

10.20.24 Raise the Posterity as Spiritual Victors (2 Timothy 21-7)
