Restore the Faith that Revives Me (1 John 5:4-6)

24 Answer of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

              Restore the Faith that Revives Me (1 John 5:4-6)            


The entire world is in a time of difficulty. The COVID pandemic has yet to end, and the world economy is at its worst. Although the world is amidst similar circumstances, a hurricane swept the U.S east coast, causing extensive damage. There may be personal hardships also. Eventually, three things will crumble. First, it is the heart of mankind. Depression, various types of rage, and mental problems are growing more severe. Second, faith will crumble. It is not because of hardships. It said that many false prophets will arise and lead people astray. Therefore, it says, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8). If faith crumbles, the relationship with God crumbles. Third, the suffering of the three ages comes because of that. The church, the field, the posterity, and the field crumbles. As prophesied, Satan will temporarily seize the world (Revelations 13). We are those prepared for a time like this (those who remained). It is a time for us to arise as God’s masterpiece (spiritual platform, spiritual watchtower, spiritual antenna). What must we really restore for this blessing during such difficult times? It is the “faith that revives me” (verse 4). Where does the victory that overcomes the world come from? It comes from our faith.


  1. What do we believe in? We believe in the Triune God and the promise that He gives us.

Who is the God we believe in? The three essence of the covenant He gives us was shared last week.

1) He is God the Father who has absolute sovereignty.  

The Bible says that not even a sparrow will fall to the ground outside the Father’s care (Matthew 10:29-31).  Everything comes from the Lord. Even strength and power are in His hands (1 Chronicles 29:11-12). We have been chosen in God’s absolute sovereignty and saved by grace (Romans 9:16).

This God does not commit evil to His people under any circumstances (James 1:13).

Believe in God’s absolute sovereignty, do not complain, resent, be discouraged, or despair, and wait for God’s time schedule.

2) He is God the Son who fulfills absolute salvation.

What is the absolute plan that God desires in this world of endless corruption? It is for all people to be saved (John 3:16). The Son of God came as Christ, died, and was resurrected for all lives to be saved. He delivered us from all sins and curses (Romans 8:1-2), crushed the Devil’s head (Genesis 3:15, 1 John 3:8), and became our eternal way (1 John 3:8). He made us righteous and children who will enjoy heavenly blessings (Ephesians 1:3-5).

Faith is looking upon Christ the Son. It says that those who believe in Him will overcome the world (verse 5). It says that He will heal us, lead us to victory, and complete salvation until the day He returns (Philippians 1:6). Verse six says that He will fulfill that “by His water and blood.” Water is the Word of God, the blood is His life, and the Holy Spirit is a helper that the Father sends (John 14:16-18). Therefore, a faith that overcomes everything comes forth when we hold onto the word, look upon Christ, and enjoy the filling of the Holy Spirit.

3) He is God, the Holy Spirit, who works through absolute power.

Now, God desires to raise us as witnesses to revive, heal, and bless the world.

He has promised us the power of the Holy Spirit so that we are bound to go to the ends of the earth and be witnesses (Acts 1:8).

The power of the Holy Spirit is needed in our studies, work, and in all things of people of God.

However, if we align all directions to evangelism and missions, unimaginable works of the Holy Spirit will be uncovered (John 14:12). Especially in the mission field, it is the Holy Spirit that allows meetings, binds the forces of darkness, and fulfills the kingdom of God, and opens all doors.


  1. Now, the Triune God is with us in all our paths.

Going on the path that God has prepared is more important than going on my path with my will and efforts. What are the paths, the three lives, that He has prepared? They are the covenant journey, the pilgrim’s journey, and victor’s journey.

1) Incidents are not merely coincidences. It is a time schedule for God’s covenant to be fulfilled. We are within the covenant journey. Incidents that seemed like problems that arose to Joseph became blessings, and eventually, it was a time schedule for him to go to the Egyptian palace and save the world.

2) The loneliness we face is not suffering. We are within the pilgrim’s journey that draws us deeper with God. David’s time as a fugitive from King Saul was a time to enjoy God’s only (Psalms 62). He was raised as a unique king that God uses (uniqueness) and one that revived people like him and eventually the world (recreation).

3) If we restore our faith and arise, we will be victorious, arise, and stand as witnesses in the end. We are within the victor’s journey. We are God’s army and soldiers of Christ. We are commanders who save the field. It is best if we win without fighting. Who wins in the final moment is the victor in war. Even with hardships and injuries, it becomes glory (Purple Heart).


  1. In my entire life that God has prepared, my today is important.

In the end, my today becomes the future, and that future connects to eternity.

1) We overcome the evil and difficult world by receiving strength and guidance from God today. What comes from that is today’s word, prayer, and evangelism; the three todays. It is the same as what the priests had to do in the sanctuary. They had to light incense on the altar of incense, place twelve loaves of bread on the table of shortbread and provide oil to the gold lampstand to prevent it from burning out. Priests would die if they lost hold of this.

2) We need our own concentration. It becomes confusing when problems and hardships come.  We need a quiet, personal, and deep time then. Even our health can be restored if deep breathing simultaneously takes place. We bear fruit, leaves do not wither, and all things prosper as much as we meditate through the Word and have time to concentrate (Psalms 1:2-3).

3) Because the world is so difficult and busy, we must look upon God 24 hours (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).  We must find God’s will, condition to give thanks, and make choices that God desires in all problems and incidents. We decide and choose based on God’s standard, not based on mine or the world’s (“What Would Jesus Do?” by Charles Sheldon).  


ConclusionThe God we believe in is a God who works through absolute sovereignty, absolute salvation, and absolute power. Our faith needs to be an absolute faith, not one that waivers due to environments and circumstances. Restore this faith and revive yourself. It is because you are God’s method and the beginning to reviving the posterity, family, field, and future.

10.2.22 English Pulpit
