Samuel’s Conquest of the World (1 Samuel 7:10-14) 3/06/2022

The 24 Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

                               Samuel’s Conquest of the World (1 Samuel 7:10-14)                   3/06/2022


Samuel ended the period of judges and opened the monarchy period. He was of much importance in the Bible and Israel’s history. There are three representative blessings that Samuel enjoyed throughout his whole life. First, it said that none of Samuel’s words fell to the ground since he was little (1 Samuel 3:19-20). It meant that God was with him and carried out Samuel’s words and everything he did. This is the blessing to save me.
Because God was with Samuel, He enjoyed the evidence that God helped and blessed his thoughts, words, and plan. This is the blessing that all parents, church officers, and pastors will enjoy in the family and field. Second, all suffering inflicted by enemies ended, and an era of peace began when Samuel led Israel (1 Samuel 7:13-14). It said that God’s hand was against the Philistines (power of the throne). Everything lost was restored, and there was peace between the Amorites, the neighboring territory (blessing of the throne). This is the blessing to save the church and field. Third, he raised one remnant disciple and changed the future(I Samuel 16:1-16). He was a king David. God allowed the two to meet, and David was anointed and nurtured according to God’s will. Samuel continuously supported him from behind. The start of David’s kingdom was an unprecedented blessing to Israel. If figures like this come forth among our children, church, and remnants, we meet in the field, the future changes. May the blessing of the true conqueror that saves yourself, church, field, future, and posterity absolutely begin. How can we stand to enjoy these blessings? We must restore three things.


  1. The people who led and supported Samuel from behind. This is the parent’s blessing.

Figures who were blessed and used throughout ages were not made by chance.

1) At a basic level, it is a blessing enjoyed through one’s biological parents.

Samuel’s mother, Hannah, and father, Elkanah, are important. This is why they are recorded explicitly in 1Samuel 1 and 2. 

It started with a heartful (consuming passion) prayer because they had no son. What they discovered as God’s absolute plan was a “Nazarite.” He was not one of many children, but Hannah deeply prayed for a child that God would surely use.

Whether my prayer and work accurately align with God is important. Truly pray about that.

When they received Samuel as an answer, they were parents who went all-in for him to be used by God truly. They sent young Samuel to the temple and supported him through lifelong prayer. Even if we cannot do other things, we must be able to do this.

2) Prophet Eli was Samuel’s mentor and played the role of a spiritual parent.

Objectively, Prophet Eli was not a leader with much spirituality. He was dense to where he mistook Hannah to be drunk when she was deeply praying (1 Samuel 1:12-16). However, he helped with two very important things.

He blessed Hannah when she prayed to receive answers for her prayers (1 Samuel 1:17-18).

Make it so that the servant of the Lord blesses you this way. Hence, pastors must know your important prayer topics.

He taught Samuel how to live a life that serves God (1 Samuel 3:1).

He especially taught Samuel how to answer when God desires to use him (1 Samuel 3:4-9).


  1. The relationship with God that Samuel enjoyed. He enjoyed the power of the Holy Spirit and the power and blessing of the throne within this.

Our relationship with God was restored the moment we were saved. Now, enjoy that blessing (Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:14-19).

1) Enjoy it with the faith that holds onto the God-given covenant.   

It records that young Samuel slept before God’s ark of the covenant (1 Samuel 3:3). What does that signify?

He kept near the ark of the covenant and held onto the spiritual blessing within that (ten commandments, Aaron’s rod that budded, manna).

The ten commandments are the promised word.

He held onto God’s promise in the word. It said that the ten commandments play the role of allowing us to realize how weak we are (Romans 3:20), thus, drawing us near to Christ (Galatians 3:24). This tells us to hold onto how we have been delivered in Christ, what kind of beings we have become to enjoy blessings, and how we will relay these blessings (Matthew 5:17, Romans 13:10).

Aaron’s budded rod is the power and authority given to believers.

This is why we are called a royal priesthood that has the authority of Christ (1 Peter 2:9). Although Satan tries to destroy us with various problems, we can overcome him with Christ’s authority and save everyone. The bud that sprouted on a dead rod symbolizes the ministry of reviving life. It is the evangelist’s blessing.

The manna is the covenant of God that will give us answers to where we can save the church, posterity, and the world. Financial blessings are within this.

We are not on the level that needs to be bound and worried about making ends meet (Matthew 6:33, 2 Corinthians 9:8). We hold onto this covenant and give our offering and life staking devotion with all our strength.  

2) Enjoy this by living a life that loves, looks upon, and exalts God. That is the life of a worshiper (Pilgrim).

This is what Samuel learned throughout his life as he grew up in the temple. He learned worship.

Unfortunately, Prophet Eli’s two sons did not enjoy this blessing and lost hold of all blessings (1 Samuel 2:22-25).

Samuel resolved all problems with worship. Especially when Israel was in crisis, he restored it through worship.     

This is the worship that assembled at Mizpah in the passage. This is what was restored during severely difficult times when the Philistines trampled the nation. In a very dire situation, they discarded all idols and worshiped as they fasted (1 Samuel 7:5-6). The Philistines attacked Israel at this time, but that was when it was over for them. This is spiritual victory. The Devil trembles in fear when we worship and pray. It is the time when God’s help begins (Ebenezer).

Train so that your daily life becomes worship. That is 24-hour worship (“living sacrifice” Romans 12:1).

It is making a life that loves, looks upon, and exalts God in the center of my heart, in all my work, and all circumstances. The Devil lures us to live a contrary life and leads us to lose hold of the blessings and answers of the throne that God gives us.


Conclusion – Samuel means “I asked the Lord.” May you enjoy the deep things of this blessing when faced with a crisis.

3.6.2022 English Pulpit
