Solomon’s Conquest of the World (1 Kings 3:4-10) 4/3/2022

The 24 Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

                                 Solomon’s Conquest of the World (1 Kings 3:4-10)                          4/3/2022


Solomon is called “the king of the greatest wisdom of Israel.” With that wisdom, he followed his father, David, became king, and led Israel to become a mighty nation. With his wisdom, he also finished the construction of the Jerusalem temple and dedicated it. It was to where kings across the world came to listen to his wisdom (Solomon’s evangelism and missions). Proverbs is the book he wrote with his God-given wisdom about how God’s people should wisely live in the world. One of the crucial things that people of God need in the world is this wisdom from God. Wisdom is needed when nurturing children and carrying out important positions in the church. The words we say without much thought can scar others and break relationships. However, words spoken with wisdom can save people and restore relationships. We need this wisdom in our occupation and business. At these times when everything is difficult and uncertain, we absolutely need the wisdom to see the future and prepare. Knowledge can be learned in school and through books. There are instances where that knowledge becomes wisdom. Various life experiences can contribute to obtaining wisdom. However, there is wisdom that comes from above and from God. It says that this wisdom allows people to do good works (James 3:17-18). This is absolutely needed to an evangelist who saves and revives people (Matthew 10:16). This is absolutely needed in the works to enjoy God’s blessings in our lives and fulfilling God’s will (1 Corinthians 12:8). Let us hold onto when, how, and how much God gives us this wisdom by looking at Solomon in the passage.


  1. When does God give God’s wisdom as a gift and blessing?  

It is when I acknowledge how weak and foolish, I am and realize that I am in absolute need of God’s wisdom.

1) It is the same as when the gospel becomes our only.   

When I realize that I am a sinner and acknowledge that it must be by only God’s grace and power.  This is why He has given us the law. He has allowed us to realize that we are sinners so that we may hold onto Christ (Romans 3:20, Galatians 3:24).

2) Solomon honestly stood before God.

Although he succeeded his father’s throne by God’s grace, he confessed, “I am but a little child, I do not know how to go out or come in” (verse 7). Many people are deceived by themselves and the Devil and live life by lying. They believe that they can do it. This usually comes from a competitive mindset. The Devil tells us that we can do anything with our strength. That is how he deceived the first life, Adam (Genesis 3:5). This is why people pretend to be humble in front of others but eventually crumble.

3) God gives this wisdom when we hold onto the absolute reason we need God’s grace.

Solomon recognized that the people were not his people but God’s chosen people even when he became king (verse 8).

He asked for wisdom to have wisdom to discern God’s will when he would govern God’s people (verse 9). Even our children are not ours. Therefore, it said to bring our children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). When we realize that God has granted even my job and business, it is no longer about my standards, thoughts, and greed. We will have no choice but to think about how we can fulfill God’s will and give glory to God in that place (Ephesians 6:5).

It goes the same for pastors and church officers who serve the church.

Just as in Paul’s confession, we must have a fearful and trembling heart (1 Corinthians 2:3-5). Our lifelong walk of faith must also be like this (Philippians 2:12). This does not mean becoming worry, weak, and pitiful. It means to do things with the wisdom and power that comes from God. That is when even my weaknesses become God’s masterpiece.



  1. How does God give His wisdom as a gift and blessing?

When I acknowledge that I need God’s wisdom, know the reason, and truthfully look upon God.

1) Solomon went to God’s tabernacle and gave a thousand burnt offerings as soon as he became a king.

What does it mean to give a burnt offering? It means that he gave true worship and prayer while holding onto the blood of the lamb, the covenant of Christ’s blood.

We are those who have been delivered in Christ (Romans 8:1-2). We are children who will enjoy God’s blessing and reveal His glory (Ephesians 1:3-5).

Whatever we do, we simply need to make and enjoy the time of continuous and 24-hour concentration and look upon God. (Proverbs 9:10).

That is when the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, power, and works are revealed in my life. This is the blessing of the throne.  

2) Solomon looked upon God this way and sought wisdom to live his life fulfilling God’s will.      

What was God’s answer at this time? (Verse 11-12). Because he asked for only the wisdom to fulfill God’s will instead of long life, riches, or the life of his enemies, God promised to give him wisdom like never before and never after (unprecedented blessing). He did not seek carnal blessings, worldly glory, and solution to problems but sought the deep things of God (blessing of the spiritual summit).

What was the bonus gift that followed then? God granted him riches and honor that he had not even asked for (verse 13).

This is why prayer topics are important. Everything else followed when Solomon asked for the answer to seek and fulfill God’s will (Matthew 6:33).


  1. How much should God give this wisdom and spiritual blessings?

It is to where we can fulfill God’s absolute conclusion. To the extent that God can heal and revive the world through us.  

1) God told Solomon to walk as his father David walked (verse 14).

He staked everything to love God, live in the Holy Spirit’s power (anointing), and for the works to fulfill God’s will (Acts 13:22).

2) What were the two main things? They were for God’s glory to be revealed to all nations and for the temple’s construction for the posterity.

It is evangelism and missions, shining the light in my field covered with darkness and saving all nations. This is God’s conclusion (Matthew 24:14).

Resolve everything with evangelism and missions. This is why God attaches people to me. This is why He sends us to important places. This is also why He allows us to go through problems and suffering. It is for us to see the world through my problems and suffering.

David tried to construct the temple this way. What kind of meaning is within the temple that was completed through Solomon?   

God’s ark of the covenant was in the Temple. God did not need a temple. It was for people to hold onto the covenant there. It is the covenant that God has saved, healed, and blessed us and that He would make us witnesses that would save all nations and people. When we hold onto this covenant and worship God, we will experience the power of the Holy Spirit, the blessing of the throne, and unprecedented works. There is another important thing. God allowed the covenant to be relayed to the posterity in the temple, to relay the blessing, and make the temple a monument. Therefore, Sunday school and the remnant ministry are important. Even if we give a small devotion to the temple, for this reason, it becomes a monument.


Conclusion – God has also promised us wisdom (James 1:5). May you stand as disciples who overcome, heal, and revive the world with that wisdom.

4.3.2022 English Pulpit
