Spiritual Meaning and Blessing of Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:51-58) 3/31/2024

Eternal Answer of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

Spiritual Meaning and Blessing of Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:51-58)                    3/31/2024


Jesus’ resurrection can be explained in many ways. Why did He have to die and resurrect? As much as we can fathom that, we will enjoy many answers and blessings. Whether or not you can believe resurrection is up to you. What is certain is that God is the one who allows you to believe, and being able to believe it is grace. No matter how much evidence of resurrection you show someone, if they are not saved and if the Holy Spirit is not in them, it is rightful that they will not believe. Moreover, if Satan is holding onto their heart, it will be even more difficult to believe. Unknowingly, they will fall into things that go against God. From today’s scriptures, Paul was someone who lived as a persecutor of the church before he experienced Christ. The key to today’s message is knowing the spiritual meaning of resurrection as saved people of God and enjoying this blessing. There are at least 3 spiritual meanings in Jesus’ resurrection. Within that, there are real answers we must enjoy on earth.


  1. Resurrection is a blessing that pierced through death.

If Jesus’ death didn’t exist, there would be no resurrection. Resurrection is the completion of Christ’ suffering, and His glorious conclusion! If there was no resurrection, His death would have been in vain, and those who believe it are to be pitied (v.17-19).

1) Why did Jesus have no choice but to die?

It was prophesied that He will be considered punished, stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted by God for His own sin (Isa.53:1, New International Version). During Jesus’ time, the religious and the powerful Romans made it that way. What was the crime that they accused Jesus of?

Blasphemy. They accused Jesus because He called Himself the Son of God. They were saying Jesus dared to call Himself the Son of God. But because He is The Son of God, He could become the way for us to meet God (John 14:6).

Blasphemy against the Priest (blasphemy against the authorities). As the Son of God who was without sin, He could die for us who was sinful (Redemption). He repeatedly talked about this (Matthew 20:28, John 5:24, John 8:32). If you live constantly in shame and guilt, your entire life will be a curse. If not, you would have to lie or live in hiding. Christ Himself became our sacrifice and died. Then he resurrected to give us the identity that would allow us to enjoy God’s blessings.

Blasphemy against the King. This is the reason the Roman Empire persecuted Christians to the end. They accused Jesus for calling Himself the King. The religious people were the same. After seeing demons flee and diseases being healed, they called Christ the “Beelzebub,” or the king of demons. He is not the king of demons, but the King of Kings who crushed the authorities of demons. Even now, wherever this Christ is proclaimed, the forces of darkness crumble!

2) There is no one else in history that died and resurrected for mankind. This is why Christ became the Unique Savior that solves all life’s problems (Acts 4:12).

3) This is another important thing. We may also receive suffering along with Christ. That may come from our own hidden scars. It may come from our transgressions and failures. It may come from various interpersonal relationships. However, there is suffering that comes because of Christ. What is the conclusion to that?

It says that “indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his Glory”, (New International Version, Rom 8:17b). If you have been mocked at and persecuted or lost anything for the sake of sharing the Gospel, you will receive a hundred-fold on earth and eternal life (Mark 10:29-30).

No matter what the circumstance, do not be shaken or afraid. God’s people knew the spiritual reality behind that and had victory. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34 New International Version)


  1. Resurrection is the evidence of the Eternal Victory that He promised.

1) Jesus died a wrongful death, but He did not remain in death; He did not remain in the grave (v55-56). Death came because of sin and curse, but he confidently overcame that law and authority of death.

2) Who tries to drag mankind to corruption, failure, and curses? It is Satan, who has the authority of darkness and death (Ephesians 6:12). The resurrected Christ will reign as our King until He has put all enemies under His feet (v25).

3) Fight against Satan and all his schemes to break down ourselves, our families, and all churches (Ephesians 6:10-11). When we call on the name of Jesus Christ that overcame the authority of death, Satan’s power will be broken, and he will flee (Luke 10:19). When we truly believe this, darkness will crumble and we will save those who are oppressed, in suffering, and dying away (Mark 16:17-20).


  1. This resurrection is the evidence of the Eternal New Beginning and Glory that He promised. Christ resurrected and ascended to the Heavenly Throne. When that Christ returns, we will resurrect with Him and share His glory before the throne (Revelation 7:9-10).

1) We will enjoy Eternal Life in the new world (New Heaven, New Earth) that He has made. Our life on earth is not the end. This body we have is not everything. We will resurrect and receive a new body (v48). This is why people of God do not fear even death. Death for us is the new beginning that opens eternity. Do not be afraid if you face death or crises as you proclaim the Gospel (Matthew 10:28). Even if deathly diseases come, dying will not be dying (If I Perish, I Perish by Ahn Ei Sook ).

2) There, we will govern over all the things (King) that Christ has made new (Revelation 22:5). Our faith, effort, and devotions, and the things that we shared on earth will not be in vain (v58). If you have lost anything on earth for the sake of your faith, you will gain eternal things.

3) Paul says, “I face death every day” (v31). He didn’t afraid even death. He was not trapped by His standards, the standards of the flesh, or the world. Because even if we die, we are not dying. Even if we lose, we are not losing. He overcame all this and went out to the world.


Conclusion – Christ showed the evidence of His resurrection and gave the last message to His disciples (Covenant of Resurrection, Message of Resurrection). With the name and authority of this Christ who resurrected, make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20), heal all nations (Mark 16:17-20), be the witness to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), and meet again on that eternal day. May the blessings within His Resurrection be experienced in your souls, your heart, mind, and your lives, as well as all your hard work and efforts.

3_31_24 English
