Stand As a Spiritual Victor (Ephesians 6:10-18) 10/13/2024

Eternal Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

Stand As a Spiritual Victor (Ephesians 6:10-18)                           10/13/2024


The conclusion of the Gospel is that God will change everything into evidence to raise us as witnesses in Christ. We want to confirm this blessing through the entire book of Ephesians and hold onto the last thing we must do for the blessing of this conclusion.

Ephesians 1 is the blessing prepared for those who were chosen before creation to be saved. It is the blessing of salvation.  In Christ, He made us holy and blameless (Ephesians 1:4), made us His children (Ephesians 1:5), and marked us with the seal of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13).

Ephesians 2 is the blessing of our identity that saved people of God must enjoy. We are no longer bound to live oppressed by sin, Satan, and the world (Ephesians 2:12). We have become God’s household (Ephesians 2:19) and church that is built to be used by God (Ephesians 2:22).

Ephesians 3 is the direction of life that saved people of God must enjoy (evangelism and missions). We are to be used as people who spread this blessing of salvation to all nations. Whoever aligns their life’s direction to this and goes deeper within God, He will do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

Ephesians 4 is the blessing of saving the church that will be used for this work. It says to join in the Holy Spirit, to build each other up (Ephesians 4:16, Ephesian 4:32).

Ephesians 5 is the blessing to enjoy in all our fields. It says to give thanks in everything and submit to one another out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:20-21). Within that are spousal relationships, parent-child relationships, and servant-master relationships (workplace and businesses).

Ephesians 6 is the last blessing we will enjoy all the blessings (10, “Finally”). This is the blessing of spiritual victory enjoyed through spiritual warfare. It is a blessing for all believers to enjoy, and the privilege we have as those who possess the mystery of Christ.


  1. Why is this blessing important?

1) It is so that as people who are given all answers and blessings, we no longer become deceived or get things taken from us.

The first life Adam and Eve was deceived here. The reason God created the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was so that we are not deceived (warning of love). Know the existence of Satan and the spirits that corrupted and avoid being deceived. Rather, enjoy God’s things (tree of life).

Even now, Satan has two strategies. A sweet temptation or hardship through suffering and persecution. He told a lie that Eve could not resist (John 8:44). That is when her eyes opened (Genesis 3:6) and lost everything. We have now given the right to restore God’s blessings through Christ. We cannot lose it again.

2) It is because evil days will continue. Satan will do evil things up until the moment he is put into eternal jail. Darkness will cover the earth (Isaiah 60:2), and suffering, disasters, and wars will continue (Matthew 24). “so that you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand” (Matthew 24:13).

3) It is to enjoy the blessing of saving all nations. This is what it means when it says, “after you have done everything.”

The end will come after this gospel has been preached to the ends of the earth (Matthew 24:14). That is when Christ will come again, the judgement of this world will begin, Satan will be put into the fires of hell, and the eternal blessing of new heavens and new earth will begin.

Who will try to block God’s work? It is Satan (Revelation records detailed temptations, disasters and suffering). He tempts us to fall into the world, so we don’t enjoy answers and blessings. He gives us suffering so we give up on faith. He makes the church lose hold of the Gospel, so the church doesn’t enjoy answers and blessings. He creates conflicts and weakens the church.


  1. How can we stand as victors of this spiritual war? This is why we use the term, “Bartizan.” If we can establish a Bartizan within the walls of our lives, God will post watchmen (Isaiah 62:6), and Christ Himself will fight for us (Revelation 17:14). Spiritual victory will be a rightful result, and all the stolen blessings will be restored. We need to raise 3 Spiritual Bartizans.

1) It says be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power (v10).

What does “in the Lord” mean? Hold onto the covenant that Christ gave (Gospel) and look up to Christ (meditation). This is why we must listen to the message that proclaims Christ, meditate on it, and hold onto it. As time goes, Christ will become imprinted, rooted, and natured within our soul, thoughts, and emotions.

That is when His power will work within us and we will be strong despite our scars and weaknesses. We will become spiritually strong (spirituality, spiritual summit). We are not talking about strong personality or will. Satan knows our weaknesses, our façade of being strong, and where to attack to make us flip. The authorities of the world and the powers of darkness are working, and we continuously see inexplainable evil things happening.

2) It says put on the full armor of God (v11-17). This is the assurance of what Christ has given to us. It is the gear that soldiers put on for battle. God has finished everything through Christ and has prepared everything.

Belt of truth (14). Assurance of Christ. Truth here refers to Christ (John 14:6). A belt is the foundation that holds up the core. We must have the assurance that Christ has finished all problems (John 19:30).

Breastplate of righteousness (v14). Assurance of deliverance and forgiveness. We must not be overtaken by shame, fear, and oppression. We are lacking and we may fail. We must repent for the things to repent for and hold onto the righteousness given to us by the blood of Christ.

Shoes of readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace (v15). Assurance of peace (John 16:27). Peace comes as much as you enjoy the Gospel. It allows for acceptance of all people. That is the life of the Evangelist.

Take up the shield of faith (v16). Assurance of the power of the Gospel, in which we are entrusting ourselves and all our problems. It is no longer our standards and levels. God is fulfilling works of re-creation even now. That is when we can even block the arrows of fire from Satan.

Take the helmet of salvation (v16). Assurance of eternal life. His life is alive within us. Our bodies may die, but our spirit will not. Do not fear the evil spirits (Matthew 10:28).

Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (v17). Assurance of the Word (Lemma). This is why we memorize the Bible verses. During Jesus’ test, he put forth the Word and darkness fled (Matthew 4).

3) With these assurances, begin the spiritual war in prayer (18). We will have victory if we fight in the name of Christ (Luke 10:19, 1Corinthians 15:57, 1John 3:8). This is the victory that David enjoyed.

With “prayers and requests.” “Prayer” is prayer that enjoys God in our daily lives (scheduled prayer). “Requests” are prayers that we pray in need (special prayer).

It says, “be alert and always keep on praying” in the Spirit. Ask for the power of the Holy Spirit who is with us to help us. That is when darkness is broken (Matthew 12:28). Pray “alert prayers” (24 prayers, continuous prayer). When conflicts come, see the work of Satan and break down the darkness.

It says, “keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” It is an intercessory prayer. He, as an evangelist, asks to be prayed for (Ephesians 6:19-20).


Conclusion – Life itself is a spiritual battle. As we are people who will receive answers and be used greatly, we must enjoy this blessing of spiritual victory.

10-13-2024 Stand As A Spiritual Victor(Ephesians 6-10-18)
