The 25-Hour Answer That Isaac Experienced (Genesis 26:1-5) 1/29/2023

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The 25-Hour Answer That Isaac Experienced (Genesis 26:1-5)           1/29/2023


Last week, we thought about the five reasons why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, whom he had received at the age of 100. Think about this reason whenever you face incomprehensible problems and shocking incidents. Abraham’s resolution of faith and obedience became a platform for Isaac to enjoy all blessings and a covenantal contract with God. Another important reason was that God also trained Isaac through this incident. He experienced how God gives the covenant and how He accurately fulfills it. It went beyond hearing the covenant from his father. The covenant was fixated on his soul, and he experienced Jehovah Jireh. However, problems and crises came to Isaac, who had been trained this way. Another famine, like one in his father’s time, had come to the land again (verse 1). Isaac portrayed faith that went beyond His father, and the answer and blessings were tremendous (25-hour answer).



  1. The three contents of the 25-hour answer Isaac enjoyed. He was also shown to us as a model of the answers we must enjoy in this age.

Abraham fled to Egypt to escape the famine, but Isaac did not leave the land as God commanded (verse 2). What did going to Egypt signify? It signifies following the resolution of immediate problems and physical needs rather than the covenant. What kind of answers began when Isaac held onto the covenant of Canaan, did not waver, and firmly followed the word?

1) He farmed during famine and received a hundredfold in that year.

When he held onto the covenant and only looked upon God, it said, “the Lord blessed him.” It is the blessing of uniqueness and the throne. Even if famines and recessions come, God has prepared different answers we will receive.

Jesus said the same thing. If we face any loss, injustice, or persecution for the gospel, we will receive a hundredfold on this earth, and eternal blessings will be with us in our afterlife (Mark 10:29-30). We can save the three ages when we receive these answers. We need one person who receives answers to where the individual can save the church, lead the regional church, and save posterity with one’s offering. That becomes the stream and changes all the streams around me.

2) Although people kept filling up the well Isaac dug up (verse 15) and started quarrels with him, Isaac yielded everything. Instead, God gave him the source of sources (fountainhead) and the blessing to expand his territory (Rehoboth). Why did God allow him to expand his territory? It was so that through that, the works to save posterity could take place. The early church was scattered due to persecution, but they saved Samaria, Antioch, and Rome, where they spread.

3) It is a conclusive blessing. The enemies who gave Isaac difficulty and persecution acknowledged him (verses 28-29).

They said they saw that the Lord was with Him, and God blessed him. If we enjoy the “24-hour with” and enjoy the “25-hour answer” there, no enemy can do more evil. They have no more power to resist. That is how Satan gives up on going against us (Romans 16:20, Revelation 21:7). Is it a time of difficulty? Enjoy the “24-hour with,” look upon the “25-hour answer,” and grow real power (five powers).


  1. What was different about Isaac? What was the mystery by which Isaac could enjoy the blessing of the 25-hour answer?

1) When God blessed Isaac, He attached Isaac with people who prayed and supported him.

Abraham did not have this background. Rather, he had difficulty leaving his father, Terah, who worshiped idols (Genesis 11:32). Therefore, God said, “I am your shield, your very great reward” (Genesis 15:1). For first-time believers, hold onto this covenant.

God attached Abraham to Isaac. The father of a household is the first teacher who educates his child and the first priest who blesses the child. He must become the first watchtower that prays. It was the father who led Isaac to experience Mount Moriah, and this was what was emphasized three times whenever Isaac was blessed (verses 3,5,24).

Next, the church background is important.

All believers of the church are made to have a relationship of spiritual parents and siblings. We are one body and family in Christ. Our church must establish four systems for our posterity to rise as remnant disciples (1st lecture of youth retreat).

There are pastors and church officers who relay the word, guide direction and pray for the believers and posterity. (Moses who taught and blessed Joshua, Eli who taught and blessed Samuel, the three prophets who blessed and helped David). Make it so that the servants of the Lord and church officers pray for and bless me.

2) Isaac’s resolution and action of faith. It must have been very difficult when Isaac faced the worst famine, unjust events, and enemies’ attacks.

He made a covenantal resolution amidst the crisis and problems. One’s faith in difficulty is true faith, and faith with works is true faith (James 2:26).

He resolved to yield everything and wait for the things of God (blessing of the throne) whenever there were disputes and persecution. Although it seems like everything is being taken away and you are on the brink of death, it is not. That is the time schedule to enjoy the 25-hour answer and God’s things. That is the answer that transcends time and space, that becomes the unprecedented evidence, and the time for all darkness in my life to completely crumble and the power of light to take place.

He waited and enjoyed what God had prepared in all problems (model of enjoyment).

To enjoy does not mean that something will immediately work out well. It means that whatever happens is okay. It is because one has the covenant and knows the conclusion. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 comes out of that.

3) Isaac is a model of Christ who obeyed God.  It is also a model of disciple.

It said that the event of Mount Moriah is an antitype of Christ’s death for us on Mount Calvary (Isaiah 53:5). All problems, pain, and times of despair are the greatest opportunity for us to experience Calvary, where Christ received all suffering and died for me.

Isaac silently obeyed when his father raised his knife while following God’s will.     

It is like Christ who silently obeyed His Father’s will on Mount Calvary. Although Adam led all life to fall into curses through disobedience, Christ’s obedience led all to receive God’s life and blessings (Romans 5:19). Therefore, those who obey God save the world and are the disciples (Matthew 16:24). This is why we are to obey our parents in the Lord (Ephesians 6:1), and why it says that obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22).

What is the difference between blind obedience and obedience? Blind obedience is done with force, and one has no covenant, future, and strength (unbeliever’s life). Obedience is done when one who has everything knows the covenant and knows in advance the answers to receive and the future. It is following the deep things of God.


Conclusion – This age becomes more difficult as time goes on. Within that, the God who made Isaac who he was is the same, our God. Hold onto the covenant, wait, and enjoy it 24 hours.  May you experience the hundredfold blessing, the blessing of the fountainhead and Rehoboth, and the 25-hour answer that crumbles all enemies.


1.29.23 English Pulpit
