The Answer of Eternity and Sanctuary that Abraham Enjoyed (Genesis 12:1-5) 2/4/2024

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The Answer of Eternity and Sanctuary that Abraham Enjoyed (Genesis 12:1-5)      2/4/2024


We are talking about the two spiritual answers that God’s people must enjoy this year. It is the answer of eternity and the answer of the sanctuary.

Answer of eternity refers to the spiritual blessings and spiritual power that only God can give (spirituality, spiritual summit). Because it is something spiritual, it is an unlimited power that transcends time and space and is connected to the eternal world and the future.

The answer of sanctuary refers to our vessel that God has no choice but to bless and use (Wednesday service). Your life that has been saved is the sanctuary (1 Corinthians 3:16), and your spiritual state of enjoying God deeply is the sanctuary (1 Corinthians 2:10-12). Moreover, all meetings and places where God’s people who enjoy Him gather is the sanctuary (Matthew 28:18-20).

When these two things are enjoyed and established as an unshakable system (bartizan), at least three things will happen.

First, the forces of Satan that are driving our lives and the world into darkness, conflicts, and suffering will crumble.

Second, our studies, work, business, effort, and devotion, however small, will become masterpieces that reveal God’s glory.

Third, through that, we will save 237 nations and all peoples. We will remain as the eternal legacy that saves the posterity. Following the account of Noah, this week, we will take a look at the evidence of the answer of eternity and sanctuary that Abraham enjoyed.


  1. What kind of person was Abraham?

Originally, he lived during the age of Babel Tower where people worshipped idols and strove to uplift their own names. In families, households, and nations with strong idol worship, immense spiritual problems strike them (depression, mental disorders, passing down spiritual problems).

1) This is when God chose Abraham and told him to go to the land of Canaan (1).

① God came to Abraham. This is the beginning of salvation. God chose before creation, and He comes to find (Revelation 3:20).

② He came to Abraham and said, “leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the land that I will show you.” That is the land of Canaan which Christ came.  What is it mean? This is the blessing of salvation that brings you out of all fate, curses, and authority of Satan and into God’s blessings.

2) How did he explain and promise that blessing of salvation (2-3)? God promised tremendous blessings after receiving salvation.

① “You will be a blessing” (foundational blessings). The life that was bound to live in suffering and curses on earth filled with idols and darkness became a child of God that will enjoy those blessings (Ephesians 1:3-5). Our foundation (destiny) has changed.

② “I will make you into a great nation” (representative blessings). Through you, your household and your family line will receive God’s blessings. For those of you coming from a unbelieving background, even if you face hardships, hold onto this covenant and do not shake.

③ “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse” (irresistible blessings). What blocks our way and curses us are not just people. This is a blessing that breaks down the forces of darkness and Satan working in the background.

④ “All peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (historical blessings). God will give evidence to the extent of saving the age you live in. He will bless our studies and businesses to bring evidence. He will make even our diseases, pain, failures, and tears into evidence to save this age.

Beyond that, there are blessings (14:16, 22:18). “Through your offspring (posterity), all the nations of the earth will be blessed” (monumental blessings). Through Abraham’s descendants, Christ comes. We do not know what kind of historical figures who will fulfill God’s will could arise through our posterity. This is why we focus on remnant ministry. Our spiritual posterity will arise together.


  1. The work that Abraham did holding onto the covenant.

1) He held onto what God promised. That is called “faith that holds onto the covenant” (there are many misunderstandings about faith).

① Hold firmly to the covenant (imprint, root, nature). This is why God told Abraham to get circumcised (Genesis 17:11). This means you will deem the blood as evidence of the covenant (blood of Christ, covenant of Calvary) and keep it as a sign on your body to cherish.

② Abraham went through a lot of failures, but God found favor in Abraham for holding onto His promise in faith (Romans 4:3). When does this faith come? It comes when you try to hold onto the Word and follow the word (Romans 10:17).

2) Abraham followed what God promised (4). He held onto the Word and followed the Word to Canaan. Make a resolution starting with small things. All resolutions made by people of faith are not small. Hardships may come by. However, it is rather a time of training your faith to grow stronger and deeper.

3) There is something that Abraham did very well to hold onto that promise of God and not falter. Every time God gave His promise, he built an altar before God (7-8). This is the worship and prayer that we give.

① Only then, will we not be deceived when our circumstances and realities are difficult (Ephesians 6:10-11).

② That is when God sends his watchmen (angels) and works without rest (Isaiah 62:6-7). Enjoy the worship-oriented life. Hold onto the covenant of 3,9,3 and truly enjoy prayer. Unprecedented works will arise.


  1. There are two spiritual systems that he made throughout his life as he enjoyed this blessing (eternity system, sanctuary system). There was a time in Abraham’s life where he had to make a choice with absolute faith. That is when this was created.

1) It is a system that was created when Abraham sent away his nephew, Lot, as he blessed him, even after numerous conflicts. Abraham chose God’s eternal things.

① Abraham brought with him his nephew, who lost his parents, into Canaan. As time went on, they began facing conflicts about property. Abraham lets Lot choose his land first because he doesn’t want to show God’s people fighting over property (Sodom and Gomorrah).

② God then comes to Abraham and tells him that all the land he sees northward, southward, eastward, and westward will be given to him and his offspring (Genesis 13:14-18). That land is Jerusalem, and through his descendants, Christ comes. It becomes a system through which all nations live (eternity system).

2) It is a system that was created when he sacrificed his only son Isaac, whom he had after a very long time of prayer. Abraham chose God (sanctuary).

Abraham believed that even if he kills Isaac as a sacrifice, God will bring him back to life (Hebrews 11:19). That is how deep his relationship with God was.  All our devotions must stem from this.

② This event of Abraham sacrificing his son becomes a prophecy of Calvary, where God killed his son to save us. “Your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies, and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” This covenant was fulfilled.

③ What was the answer that God gave in that time of his decision? It was the answer of Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14). God poured down everything that He had prepared for the remainder of Abraham’s life. This is the answer of the sanctuary.


Conclusion – Our fundamentals have been changed after receiving salvation. As much as you restore your faith, you will experience the answer of Jehovah Jireh all your life. When you need to make a choice, may you choose God, choose the things of God, and choose the things that God has prepared.

2.4.2024 English
