The Answer of Eternity and Sanctuary that Moses Enjoyed (Exodus 3:6-12) 3/3/2024

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The Answer of Eternity and Sanctuary that Moses Enjoyed (Exodus 3:6-12)                3/3/2024


There is a term that unbelievers use when hardships and suffering continue. They call it fate. It is something they cannot avoid nor escape from. There are individuals lost in that, families lost in that, and even nations.

Moses and the nation of Israel in the scriptures face the same thing. Moses was born in a nation that was in slavery and from parents who were slaves. He was abandoned near the river but was rescued by the princess. He then became a prince and grew up in the palace, but through a momentary mistake, he becomes a murderer and begins to run away. In the passage, Moses is 80 years old, barely living by tending sheep. It was quite a pitiful life.

However, Moses and Israel’s ancestors did not live that way. We’ve talked about people like Abraham all the way to Joseph, who truly enjoyed God’s blessings and were used as God’s witnesses of that age. After Joseph’s death, Israel faced 400 years of slavery under Egypt, and Moses was born during that age. That is our reality today and the reality of this age, and America. Through just one person like Moses, and remnants who came after Moses like Joshua and Caleb, everything can be restored. We can hold onto and enjoy the things that God gave, things that God will do, and things that God has prepared (Deuteronomy 33:7). God saved us as He saved Moses. He will use us as He used Moses, and He has promised us the future that He gave to Moses.


  1. We must first restore the blessing of salvation that restores all things (solution to past problems). It is something that God has given. Exodus is a book in the Bible that records how Moses and the Israelites escaped from fate-like curses.

1) Salvation is how God solved the problems of life that we could never resolve.

If it is something that we can solve on our own with our intellect, effort, or actions, we do not use the word “salvation.” Every religion teaches that you can solve the impossible life problems with your actions and efforts. That is a lie! Even churches are becoming this way.

Moses did not deliver his own life. Moses did not deliver Israel. He enjoyed God’s salvation and was used for God’s work of saving Israel.

2) How did God deliver Moses and Israel?

God came to Moses and Israel, who had fallen into failure, suffering, and curses (Ex.3: 1-5). God chose Moses before creation and came to save. And He called Moses. He comes to us even now (Revelation 3:20). Today might b

e that day (2Corinthians 6:2).

God told Moses, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob” (v.6). What did God repeatedly tell Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? He says, “go to Canaan,” and “stay in Canaan.” It is referring to Christ who will be coming to the land of Canaan. Fate and suffering will end, and you will be a blessing (Ephesians 1:3-5).

God said, “So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey” (v.8). Because we couldn’t do it, God came down in the form of the Son and became our true savior (Isaiah 7:14, John 1:12, 1John 3:8). When we accept this Christ, we become his son (John 14:6, Romans 8:15-17). This blessing is the Gospel, and enjoying this is the walk of faith. Moses’ ancestors enjoyed this blessing of the Gospel. Israel and Moses wasn’t able to enjoy this and thus lived in oppression (Matthew 10:6).


  1. Go into the blessing of being raised by God as the ones who will save this age (solution to present problems). God will accomplish it. It means that God will raise us as the witness, and He will send us to others like us and the world. That is the blessing of evangelism and missions.

1) “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (v.10). Moses misunderstood and began asking, ““Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (v.11).

2) God talked about three things. There are three methods by which God sends us to save people and the world (key to evangelism and missions).

“I will be with you” (v.12). When we seek to be used by Christ, His authority and power will be with us. When we evangelize or devote ourselves to serve the Lord, His power will be with us. We have nothing to fear for He is with us, and no matter what problems Satan may send our way, it will not be a problem.

Finally, “And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain” (v.12). It means that God will turn Moses’ pain, tears, and despair into evidence. All the people that are revived through Moses will also become evidence. This is the absolute reason for which God will change everything into evidence. Interpret everything with evangelism and missions (2Corinthians 5:20).

Go to Pharaoh and say nothing other than, “our people need to offer sacrifices to the Lord” (v.18). It is salvation bought with the sacrifice of Christ (Colossians 1:13-14). It is talking about the unique, absolute, and eternal Christ. Even when we just speak about the Christ that we realized and enjoy, darkness will be broken, fate of life will change, and people will be revived.


  1. It is the future that is prepared for Moses (solution to future problems). It is something that God has prepared (answer of eternity and sanctuary). Why did God allow the Red Sea and the wilderness? There were easier paths. It was because there were true answers to be enjoyed through those paths. God made them to prepare future, conquest of the Canaan.

1) They were told to keep the three feasts every year (Exodus 23:14-17). Make the blessings of a saved child of God your Imprint, Root, and Nature.

Passover is the mystery by which we were freed from all fate and destiny. When they applied the blood, all curses passed, and darkness was broken (Exodus 12:27).

Pentecost is the blessing of the First Fruits. This is the work of the Holy Spirit that is given to those who are saved. We can do anything with this blessing (Philippians 3:3).

Tabernacles is the blessing of Eternal Fruits. Our prayers, devotions, evangelism, and missions become eternal glory (Revelation 8:3, 2Timothy 4:8).

2) Make the Ark of the Covenant and always put it before you. There, I will meet with you and show you my works (Exodus 25:10-22). God says to put three things inside the Ark of the Covenant. It is the Ten Commandments that He gave, the Manna they ate in the wilderness, and Aaron’s sprouted staff.

The Ten Commandments is the love of Christ. Grab a hold of the love of God that was revealed through Christ and put it into action (Galatians 3:24, Romans 13:8-10).

The Manna is the providing of Christ. Do not be caught up on life but seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:44).

Aaron’s sprouted staff is the Life, Authority, and Power of Christ. There came a sprout on a dried-up staff and the enemies crumbled (1Peter 2:9).

3) Build a tabernacle and move according to it (Genesis 25-40). This is the blessing of the sanctuary.

The tabernacle was built to worship God. It is our spiritual state of worshipping God, as well as the time and space.

The sanctuary that lies in the very front of the tabernacle represents the Salvation that was fulfilled by the atoning sacrifice of Christ (Hebrews 9:12). The second sanctuary held the things that the priests had to do every day. This is the mystery of being victorious every day as saved people. In the center of the tabernacle, there was the Altar of Incense (today’s prayer), on the right was the Bread of Presence (today’s word), and on the left was the Golden Candlestick (today’s evangelism).

When the Israelites travelled, they were to put forth this tabernacle. When they stopped, the 12 tribes were to gather centered around the Tabernacle. Upon that Tabernacle came the Glory of God (Exodus 40:36), and the Israelites saw all evidences with their eyes (Exodus 40:38).


Conclusion – The God that raised and used Moses is our God. May that salvation, that enjoyment, and that future become ours.

3.3.2024 English
