The Gold Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees (Zechariah 4:1-10) 9/18/2022

24 Answer of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

The Gold Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees (Zechariah 4:1-10)       9/18/2022


All churches and believers must prepare for the three ages. It is an age where churches crumble, darkness covers the field, and posterity crumbles. Those whom God has prepared for this time are the “ones who remained,” us who are in Christ. What is the absolute reason God must protect us, lead us to victory, and bless us? It is because we must stand as those who save the three ages. The secret to that is the covenant of the gold lampstand and the two olive trees mentioned in the passage. Satan’s works to destroy the church continued in each age. That is how everything else perishes (family, field, posterity). The book of Zechariah that carries today’s passage was recorded in B.C. 537 during the reign of King Cyrus of the Persian Empire. It was also the period when Israel, who had been captives, returned after seventy years. God restored Israel through this gentile king and restored the temple. It says that if God’s people do not understand, God raises stones to cry out and work (Luke 19:40). Two leaders are raised at that time (Zerubbabel and Joshua). The first thing they started on as soon as they returned was to restore the temple. However, some people hindered and attacked the people of God to the very end. At that time, Satan worked through the Samaritans who remained in the land to scheme with one another and stop the temple from being constructed. We must always keep this in mind when doing important work. The enemy’s hindering works may be present (1 Peter 5:8). We must not crumble at this time but be alert, pray, and proceed while enjoying spiritual victory. Unprecedented works take place right before the Devil’s face when we enjoy spiritual victory (Matthew 4:11). When the believers had been losing strength and crumbling for fifteen years, God gave the covenant of today’s passage through the prophet Zechariah. God shows many signs of comfort and numerous dreams within Zechariah’s deep prayer, and this was one of those dreams.


  1. The dream of the seven gold lamps on the solid gold lampstand.

What does this signify? It is the same dream that John saw in Revelations 1:20.

1) The large solid gold lampstand signifies Christ, the source of light of all lives, and the seven gold lampstands represent the churches that Christ is holding onto.

Who raises the church and holds onto them? Christ (Matthew 16:18). Although Satan attempted to destroy the churches in each age, it did not happen.

2) If the church proclaims only Christ, looks onto only Christ, and exalts only Christ, Satan will kneel (Romans 16:20). It goes the same for us individuals. Only the kingdom of God and only the power of the Holy Spirit is revealed when we hold onto only Christ. Christ is the true priest who has delivered us (Romans 8:1-2). He is the true king that has destroyed Satan’s authority (1 John 3:8). He is the true prophet who has become our way (John 14:6). Churches in the world are crumbling because they have lost hold of this mystery.

3) It also says that the seven gold lamps are the eyes of the Lord that range throughout the earth (verse 10). The church is God’s eyes, holy eyes. It said that if eyes are dimmed, everything becomes dark (Matthew 6:22-23). Thus, we must save the church. Everything becomes revived when the church is revived (me, family, field, posterity, age).


  1. The dream of the two olive trees by the solid gold lampstand and seven lamps.

Olive oil comes from the olive tree’s fruit. It provides oil for the gold lamps to continuously shine their light. What does that signify? Many heresies and false Christs came forth due to incorrect interpretations. It says the two olive trees signify those anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth (verse 14).

1) It represents all believers in Christ. That is why we are called a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).  We are not beings that are trampled and dragged along by the world but kinds who overcome, conquer, and rule the world ( John 16:33, 1 John 5:4). We are priests who can help, save, heal, and bless people (Mark 16:17-18). Therefore, believers are called spiritual ambassadors and spiritual doctors of the world. This is the believer’s spiritual identity.

2) More specifically, it signifies two anointed groups in the church.

One group is the anointed pastors, and the other is the anointed church officers (deacons, encouragers, elders).

There is oil within them that is needed for the church to shine the light continuously. We know the parable of the ten virgins who waited for their bridegroom (Matthew 25). It means there must not be people who only have lamps without oil. That oil represents the filling and power of the Holy Spirit that all pastors and church officers must enjoy. They must arise as the seventy disciples to where they can save the seventy regions, tribes, and countries. That cannot be done by our might or power but by the Spirit of God, the works of the Holy Spirit (verse 6).

To be able to provide oil in the church means that they have received God’s blessings that much.  No matter how big a mountain, it becomes a plain before them. It says to shout, “God bless it! God bless it!” Therefore, whatever we do (studies, work, business, ministry), we must do it while receiving God’s blessings (blessing of the throne). That is the blessing that revives lives and transcends time and space, and that becomes an unprecedented blessing. Three hundred eighteen trained men were given to Abraham, who went empty-handed, and Isaac received a hundredfold blessing during a famine. Daniel and the three friends and Esther and Mordecai received the summit’s blessing to where they revived Israel and the crumbled temple.


  1. What must the gold lampstand and two olive trees do by combining their strength?

The suspended temple construction of that age must continue. Why is that needed? Because we must enjoy the light and shine the light.

1) Enjoy this light in church during every worship first. It is the light of life that revives my life through Christ. What follows after is the light of victory that binds all darkness and the light of healing that restores all diseased things.

2) Pray to stand as the one who shines this light in the field I work and reside.

People are bound to come to me when the light of Christ comes upon me, and I receive spiritual strength (spiritual platform). Plan to share the light of the gospel with people I meet, pray and relay (watchtower). If a system of upper room and the regional church is established and it is maintained, works of the throne will be revealed (spiritual antenna).

3) Challenge to shine Christ’s light to the fifty states of America and the 237 nations.

This is why the believers and families worshiping online in different regions are important. The missionaries our church supports and has commissioned are also important. It is a blessing we will all enjoy.

4) Now, we must concentrate on and challenge ourselves to the work to raise the summit remnants who will share this light in the future.

Therefore, if it is for the works to raise remnants, proceed, pray, and support.


Conclusion – We are the seven gold lamps and two olive trees that will shine Christ’s light to this age. Pray for filling by the Holy Spirit and enjoying the blessing of the heavenly throne in 24 hours. May you be in the blessing for saving the Church, the fifty State, and 237 nations.

9.18.22 English Pulpit
