The One Unprecedented Person (Isaiah 43:1-7)

The Field of Answers of 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

       The One Unprecedented Person (Isaiah 43:1-7)


What does it mean to be the one unprecedented person? Our life’s identity, self-esteem, the reason to live, and conclusion must come from this. Most people are broken. It is not the sickness of the heart and body that is fearful. It is not the world’s reality and environment that is scary. People cannot bear the minor irritations, problems, and sufferings that come to them because they are already so broken. Depression, panic disorders, and various physical illnesses come because annoyance, rage, and fear have become habits. This is also why people are crumbling to the coronavirus.


  1. We must find our original self and enjoy it. Restore that each of us alone is the most blessed being.

Each one of us was in God’s unprecedented blessing from the beginning and will continue to be so. There are three reasons.

1) It is because God has created us.  It says, “the Lord who created you.”

We have become God’s unprecedented person because He has created us. There is no one like me in the world.

God did not copy and paste the rest after He created Adam.

The works of God the Creator were present from each one of our births. Therefore, not even siblings are the same persons.

There is a fundamental blessing that God gave when He created humans.   

The image of God was planted in us (Genesis 1:27). He breathed God’s life into us and created us as beings who enjoy God’s power (Genesis 2:7). We were beings who enjoyed true happiness and ruled the world within that (Genesis 2:1-18).

The individual characteristic, talent, and spiritual gifts come forth when we enjoy this spiritual blessing.

Here, we must discover the “me who is in God’s absolute plan” here. However, that very life was deceived by the Devil’s temptation and crumbled. From then on, it became a life that is deceived by oneself, people, and the world. The Devil is behind those works (John 8:44).

2) God has redeemed me to restore me. It says, “For I have redeemed you.”

Christ took my place and died for my weaknesses, scars, failure, and all suffering (Isaiah 53:5). It is also called atonement. 

We have been delivered from all sin, curses, fate, and even the judgment of hell through His atonement.

We have been able even to enjoy the privilege of a child of God in Christ (John 1:12, Romans 8:15-17).  

We must find the “me who is in God’s absolute love” here (verse 4). Even if we lose hold of other kinds of love, we must not lose hold of this.

3) It is because God has called us to be used for God’s glory. It says, “I have summoned you by name, you are mine.”  

God desires to recreate me into His masterpiece and use me in the works to save the world and others who are like me (verse 7).

Everything I do must become God’s evidence. Even tears and pain must become evidence.  

Everyone who sees me needs to see God’s glory. God desires all people  to hold onto a new hope and future with the answer I am holding onto.

That is evangelism and missions. This is why God led the Israelites to become captive and then scattered them in all directions (verses 5-6).  

It was so that they may become witnesses, spiritual summit, and a spiritual leader in the place they were scattered. Then they regather (conclusion).

This is where we discover the “me who is in God’s absolute conclusion.”

It said that God called each of us by name (calling). Therefore, each of us alone is important. We are those who have been prepared for this conclusion (mission). God says that He wants to use everything we have. He desires to heal me to heal the world and raise me as one who blesses the world (heavenly mandate).


  1. We must seek God who has created, redeemed, and called me this way.

We must first enjoy that the God who will raise me as an unprecedented witness is an unprecedented God.

1) This is why each of us must have deep time with God, my personal time, and concentration time.  

This is why we gather every week and have worship.   

Concentrate on God even at least once a week.

Another important thing is my today.  

We must train scheduled prayer that concentrates on God even just once a day. Make my today into time that enjoys God’s grace, power, and answer (24).

That is how we will come to believe the God who will lead our life into unprecedented answers and blessings (imprint, root, nature).

It does not matter even if problems and crises come (verse 2). It won’t matter if enjoying God’s covenant becomes a habit and nature like Daniel. One day, my inadequate life becomes God’s masterpiece. It becomes a platform. It becomes a watchman’s watchtower. It becomes a spiritual antenna.

2) Hold onto God’s three attributes.   

He is unique (uniqueness).

Therefore, He can make our smallest works unique. It will work if we do it while holding onto the covenant.

He has absolute sovereignty (absoluteness).

No one can open if He shuts and one to shut if He opens (Revelations 3:7-8). He has given us the key to heaven to enjoy this blessing. That is the authority of prayer (Matthew 16:19, 18:18-19). That is why we must not be dismayed based on our standard, level, and basis and speak unbelief and give up (Israelites in the wilderness).

He is eternal (eternal nature).

Therefore, we must not only look and focus on physical things and the things of earth. Look upon what is eternal. Today’s prayers, labor, and devotion will surely connect to the future (posterity) and eternity (eternal blessing, eternal prize).


  1. Now, we must go while actually looking at the unprecedented answers and blessings that God will give us.

1) It is the unprecedented works that are experienced in me. Even today, God can do new works in my life (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Do it by holding onto the covenant of an unprecedented blessing in whatever you do. The works of the Holy Spirit will begin upon that faith. I who is weak and lacking will become the vessel to enjoy that blessing and pray to forgive and transcend everything (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Especially, my problems are the start of God’s unprecedented works (Jeremiah 33:3). There is a separate answer and mission that only I will enjoy.

2) It is the unprecedented works that will continue upon the church. The church is a reflection of the throne, and it is a place to enjoy the blessing of the throne.

God has carried out unprecedented works even amidst the numerous problems and incidents the past 25 years. It will continue. We must prepare to send out the second and third generations. We must do the works of raising the church officers and pastors who will be used in that work.

3) It is the unprecedented works that will be revealed in my field.

Pray so that my house becomes a house of prayer and one that delivers the Word (Mission Home). Pray so that my school and workplace become a system where the watchmen movement, word movement, and life movement take place (specialized church). This is how the 300 regional church movement takes place.


Conclusion: I, who is saved, and the God who has called me is both unprecedented. Restore deep self-esteem from that (that is true worship). Do not be scarred because of people. Do not be dismayed before problems and environments. Do not be deceived by what is passed down generationally and the word fate. Do not show Satan a miserable shape. Be awake and fight with faith (1 Peter 5:8-9). We will live unprecedented life.

12.5.21 English pulpit
