The Summits Who Are Raised in Blessings (Numbers 6:22-27)

                                        The Field of Answers of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:                                 5/9/21

   The Summits Who Are Raised in Blessings (Numbers 6:22-27)                


Everyone in the world wants to receive blessings. The problem is that people do not know what the blessing is. They say that good health, being prosperous and fruitful in what they do, and even good things taking place by chance are a blessing. The issue is not knowing what the blessing is, but also not knowing where that blessing comes from. People may think simply being healthy, making money, and working hard to make a living is a blessing. However, it is not. A blessed person should be healthy, make money, and be able to work hard to make a living. The certain fact is that God desires for us to receive God’s blessing to be used as ones who bless the world (evangelism and mission). What was the very first thing God did after creating humans in His image? He blessed that life (Genesis 1:28). The fall of Genesis 3 is when humans lost hold of all of God’s blessings and crumbled. It was no longer a blessing but a curse. When God sent Christ and saved us, this is the blessing that was restored (Ephesians 1:3-5). This is also why God had the Israelites build a tabernacle and raise a priest when they were passing through the wilderness. It was so that they may be saved by the blood of the lamb and bless the people of God who will have to go as those who will save the world. When meditating the passage carefully, we can see how God desires to love and bless His own children who have been saved. In this, we must realize God’s deep heart. The servants of the Lord can bless all believers when they enjoy God’s blessings first. Parents can bless their children when they enjoy this blessing. Believers become those who bless the field and the world when they enjoy this blessing. Today is Mother’s Day. All of us who are in worship must come to the answer of what parents must do and how the children should enjoy the parent’s blessing and give thanks for it. This is where the true summit and evangelism summit who will save the world comes from.


  1. The passage shows us the blessings that God gives to His children with three blessings. These are the three blessings that we will enjoy.

1) It says, “The Lord bless you and keep you.” (verse 24).

The first blessing that parents give to their children is to keep their children safe. It is providing them the sense of security they need by nature. They will experience anxiety disorders if they do not enjoy this from the womb and young age.

Spiritual problems will come if the saved child of God does not enjoy this (Job 4:25-26). They are anxious even if they make money or obtain success.

You can have victory if you hold onto the word that God protects you under any circumstances (Deuteronomy 32:10, Psalm 17:8, Psalm 91:1-13).

2) It says, “the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.” (verse 25).   

It says that the Lord makes His face shine. It means to rejoice by looking at His face. That is love. Saying that He will give us His grace means that He will give us everything. He will give us everything unconditionally because He loves us. This is also called agape love. The person who does not enjoy or realize this love is always lonely, has low self-esteem, and struggles with depression.

Were you not able to receive this type of love from your parents and the world for various reasons?

Live life by enjoying the greater grace and love that Christ gives. Joseph, Timothy, and Esther stood as summits by enjoying that grace and love. Everything was filled because they enjoyed God’s grace and love (2 Corinthians 4:7, 6:9-11).

3) It says, “The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (verse 26).

Peace means that there is no reason for disputes. If Satan is at work, there will be internal battles every second in me. Continuous disputes will arise in the family, workplace, and church. This will happen if there is no true peace in my heart.

There is no reason for us to dispute with anyone if we receive God’s blessing. We will receive everything even after we have yielded everything.

The evangelist must enjoy this blessing. Abraham and Isaac enjoyed this blessing (Genesis 13:8-18, Genesis 26:13-29), and all the evangelists in the Bible enjoyed this blessing. Regardless of all the persecutions, they conquered the field and eventually even conquered Rome.


  1. The children of God must be able to receive this blessing from three parents.

1) We have eternal parents.  It is the Triune God. This is a blessing that only the Creator can provide.

It is Him who created all creations and blessed them (Genesis 1:22), and also Him who created humans and blessed them (Genesis 1:28).  It was also Him who blessed Abraham (Genesis 12:2). Therefore, He is also One who can change curses and despair into blessings.

He has given us all the authority to become children of God when we accept Christ so that we may enjoy God’s blessings (John 1:12).

The seven authorities are within that, and that is already a given blessing. All we need to do is enjoy that with a humble and grateful heart.

“To enjoy” means for us to look upon Him, depend on Him and use the things He has given to us (Romans 5:1).

Whether it is when we are studying, working, evangelizing, or carrying out our position, do it by enjoying the authority our Father has given to us. Enjoy that in worship, through personal prayer, in all the problems of the field, and while evangelizing. The evidence of enjoyment will surely come. See, hold onto, and enjoy that in advance, and always live in true thanksgiving.

2) God has given us physical parents and there is a blessing to be enjoyed through them.  

The parents must bless the children while providing them with three supports.

Spiritual support is to give them the accurate gospel and support them by prayer. You must help them to have spiritual victory in the gospel. Emotional support is the time spent together. Give them encouragement, courage, and strength through the word. That is forum. Lastly, it is training support (Ephesians 6:4). It is the internship that is given by the parents. Word training (2 Timothy 3:15), errands training (1 Samuel 17:17-18), training through reward and punishment (Hebrews 12:5-8). It is a father’s responsibility, and the mother needs to help. This can be done alone as well (Ephesians 2:7, 2 Timothy 1:5).

Children, be grateful to the parent and sincerely respect them. It is promised that you will be prosperous enjoy long life on earth (Ephesians 6:2-3).

Even Jesus entrusted his physical mother Mary to his beloved disciple in His last dying moment on the cross (John 19:27). Request prayer to your parents, discuss with your parents and do things in the blessing of your parents. This is the posture of respecting your parents.

3) God has given spiritual parents to all remnants and believers.

This is why God told priest Aaron and his sons to bless all the believers in the passage.

Who does priest Aaron, and his sons represent in this age?

It could be the praying pastors, lay leaders, and evangelists who help me in the field (1 Corinthians 4:14-15).

Make it so that the servants of the Lord have no choice but to ask for God’s blessings for me.

Restore true thanksgiving. My attitude towards them and my heart will be delivered and the things that I must do will show.


Conclusion – It is Mother’s Day Sunday. Parents as parents and children as children, restore true thanksgiving. This is the basics in going as the true summit. May you rise as true evangelism summits who heal, save and bless the world within that.

05.09. 2021 English Pulpit
