The Summit’s World Healing (Mark 16:15-20)

                                            The Field of Answers of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:                         5/30/2021       

 The Summit’s World Healing  (Mark 16:15-20)                


What does the world mean to each of us? What does the Bible say about the world? (Biblical worldview). The world is God’s created masterpiece. Therefore, everything belongs to God (Romans 11:36). The world is where we should reside and is a place for us to enjoy God’s blessing (Genesis 1:28). We lost hold of this in Genesis 3. The world is the visible kingdom of God where God’s will and reign should be fulfilled. This is a mission we must restore. Why is the world so corrupt, and why do suffering and calamities continue? Why is it so difficult to live in the world? It is because even the saved children of God eventually live life while losing hold of three things. It is because they are losing hold of the fact that everything belongs to God. They say that it is not God who has created the world but that it happened to be created by chance. Then, my life becomes one that happens to be lived by chance as well. It is completely Satan’s masterpiece. Why do we worship on Sundays and set aside one-tenth of our earnings and give an offering? By doing so, we acknowledge and confess that everything is a blessing given by God. More importantly, we do not study, work, and succeed to follow the world. We do so to heal and change the world to be used in establishing God’s Kingdom in the place I am in. Only then will we enjoy God’s blessings regardless of how lacking we are and how small the things we do may be.


  1. Jesus tells His disciples and us to go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation (verse 15).

What kind of works did He say will take place? Four evidence of healing will arise in the fields we go to.

1) “In my name, they will drive out demons.” (Verse 17). This is spiritual healing.   

There are at least three meanings when we talk about spiritual healing.

Fundamental curse (original curse) began on earth when Adam was deceived by Satan and became separated from God (Romans 5:12).

That is why incomprehensible suffering and curses continue in the world. Spiritual healing is the way to help them come out of this.

Satan is leading the world and people into continuous failure and suffering with 12 strategies.  

Jesus called him a thief (John 10:10). Regardless of how kind and hard one lives life, incomprehensible problems repeatedly take place. Unfair incidents and failures repeat themselves, depression and emptiness continue, addiction, mental problems, and incurable diseases come. These characteristics and habits will later reveal themselves as fatal and chronic problems. Spiritual healing is the way to come out of this.

There are people who are afflicted by demons (demon-possessed) and suffering (Mark 1:23-26, 1:39, 5:1-5, 7:24-30, 9:14-29).

Some people lived a normal life, suffered in such way, and eventually became a shaman who follows demons. Even church members seek shamans, and there are too many people who, after going through afflictions, end up becoming shamans. They can come out of this when they accurately hold onto the works that Christ has done with the three authorities that God had given to His Son.

2) “They will speak in new tongues.” (verse 17b). This is the healing of the heart and mind.

What is in the heart and mind of a person comes out. My words can become a poison that kills people if I am filled with a diseased heart and scarred thoughts (between parent and child, between spouses, in school, in the church).

Christ whom I have experienced is proclaimed through my mouth.

A message that saves comes from my mouth. It becomes words that heal and save people. It is not merely about being eloquent. Wisdom and power come from those words.

3) “They will pick up snakes with their hands, and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all.” (Verse 18). This is physical healing.  

 If God desires, works of even healing incurable diseases will arise when we hold onto the power and authority of Christ.

Cancer patients and patients with incurable diseases, hold onto the authority and power of Christ and continuously meditate on the word. Whether the illness stops or becomes cured and disappears, God will give evidence. It goes the same when receiving the doctor’s help.

It may not be God’s will for the physical body to be healed (2 Corinthians 12:8-10). Greater evidence will come then.


  1. When will these works arise? What is the mystery for me to be used in those works?

 Works of healing the world arose, and the world was saved through the disciples who were uneducated and had failed in the past.

1) It is when one believes. “These signs will accompany those who believe.’ (Verse 17). What does one believe in?

It says, “After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven, and he sat at the right hand of God.” (Verse 19).

It is the authority of the throne. Angels move before the authority that moves heaven and earth, and the forces of darkness are bound.

People who have been afflicted by demons before need to believe this. Demons are corrupted and cursed spirits. They only deceive.

It is the power of the throne. This is where the power that transcends time and space is revealed. You can experience the works of the Holy Spirit even virtually online. 

The prayer of the watchman is what the person who believes in this does. Even angels are used for my prayer (Acts 12:7, 27:23).

It is the blessing of the throne. The most important blessing is the blessing of the word being fulfilled (verse 19).   

When I hold onto the God-given word, the word is fulfilled, and all answers and blessings come (John 15:7, 1 Thessalonians 2:13). When I share the word, the word begins to work, and evidence of recreation that revives people comes forth (Hebrews 4:12).

2) Thence, the mission that God wants to do through me becomes revealed (spiritual doctor, Christ ambassador).  

God makes me see, go, and do the works that others cannot see, go and do (empty place, abandoned place, deserted place).  

People who struggle with very personal spiritual problems, meditate on the gospel and the word and continue doing so. You will stand as a witness. Lay leaders and church workers must pray and go to them and be at a point where you can discard all motives and reason and simply help.

They are many remnants who struggle with nightmares, depression, and other various problems. Especially, the TCKs are the way to save the 237 and 5,000 people groups.   

There are many people who have hidden spiritual problems among the gifted individuals who are doing and will do important works.   

Do not be afraid and continuously concentrate on the word of the Gospel. Then, you will surely be restored and save others like you in important places.


Conclusion – God desires to bless us as summits who heal the world with a spiritual eye, spiritual answer, and spiritual power. Everything follows. Like the disciples and workers of Romans 16, we who are insignificant will be used as summits who save Rome.

05.30.2021 English
