What God is About to Do (Genesis 18:16-19) 9/8/2024

Eternal Answer of the 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

What God is About to Do (Genesis 18:16-19)                                       9/8/2024


“What God is about to do” ,

This is something we must discover and hold onto as saved children of God. If we are disciples of Christ that have been remained, this is something we must discover and hold onto. This is also where we can find correct faith. True answers and blessings will come from this. Even when we raise our children, if we struggle to raise children the way we want, that education will fail. “What God is about to do” has been given to us as a promise, and we call that the “covenant.”

We call Abraham the “ancestor of faith.” There were many people that came before Abraham, but God told Abraham His word in detail and fulfilled His word through Abraham. Through Abraham’s descendants, Christ comes to completely fulfill God’s covenant. This is what it means when Jesus says, “it is finished” on the cross.

Do you know why the Jewish people, who are Abraham’s physical descendants, continuously faced suffering? They were enslaved, captured, and colonized, and to this day they face suffering. They lost hold of God’s deep will within this covenant. They didn’t know it fully, they misunderstood it, and they interpreted it in a selfish way. From that, came legalism (Romans 10:2-3), elitism, traditionalism, and secularism. They are the best in the world, but spiritually the worst. It became as though they were broken branches (Romans 11:20-21).

God raised us up to that place for us to enjoy the covenant and blessings that God gave to Abraham (Galatians 3:14, 3:29). We cannot follow the footsteps of the Israelites who failed. This is why churches all over the world are breaking down.


  1. All the 1st generation must realize and enjoy “what God is about to do” and the “covenant.” The covenant that God gave to Abraham in detail is in Genesis 12:1-3. The passage summarizes it into two things (18).

1) The covenant of Canaan – the covenant of Christ. It says, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” It is because Canaan is where Christ who will bring salvation to all people was to come. “Go to Canaan” means “go to Christ.” That is when we will be freed from all sin, curses, destiny, and hell and stand as people who have victory (salvation fulfilled through authority of Christ).

2) Covenant of source of blessings. God said, “you will be the source of blessings.” This is a blessing that we will undoubtedly enjoy because we have been freed from all curses the moment we were saved. Since the God who created the blessings is our Father and the Holy Spirit lives within us, we rightfully will enjoy these blessings (Ephesians 1:3-5). We are enjoying it through prayer. Our prayers will go up to the heavenly throne (Revelation 8:3-4) and blessings and power of the throne will be upon us.

3) The covenant of how your name will be great and you will become a great nation. This covenant is emphasized in the passage. Abraham’s immediate posterity Israelites enjoyed this blessing (Kingdom of David and Solomon). God blessed all individuals, nations, and countries in every age that held onto this covenant. If so, what is the reason they lost hold of this blessing, crumbled down and became enslaved and colonized? And what is the covenant that God gave in response to that?

4) Covenant of victory. “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” It’s not simply the people that curse us. It is Satan from Genesis 3. He will deceive us and be our enemy to the end. However, we have the authority to have victory through the name of Christ (Luke 10:19), and Satan will kneel before us (Romans 16:20).

5) Covenant to save all nations. ‘All nations on earth will be blessed through you.” Christ came as the descendant of Abraham and opened the way of salvation for all nations all the way to us. Because of you, people around you, your family, and your family line will be blessed, all the way to all the nations (evangelism and missions). Holding onto this covenant, we pray for the evangelization of our family, workplace, and region as we go all in for missions.


  1. There are three mysteries by which Abraham enjoyed the blessing that God promised. He was weak, he faced problems and failures (Genesis 12:13, 16:1-6). Nonetheless, he created three natures throughout his life.

1) Every moment, he held onto this covenant as his own (Genesis 12:4). He “followed the word” the moment he received the covenant. Do not follow your environment, words of others, or even sounds within you but follow the Word that encompasses the covenant (John 6:63). One day, you will experience “what God is about to do” as well as fulfillment of the covenant within your life (covenant journey).

2) Wherever he went, he built an altar (Genesis 12:7, 13:18). It means that he worshipped first, and he succeeded in worship. It is a time to grow deeper with God. It is a time to confirm your relationship with God (proskuneo). No matter what problem, event, pain, or injustice you feel, it will be over when you confirm this (pilgrim journey).

3) Finally, he experienced the life of victory and conquest (Genesis 14:20, Genesis 21:22, Genesis 24:15). Even nonbelievers praised and acknowledged the God of Abraham. He became the subject of respect (journey of an evangelist). Do not lose hold of the blessing of fragrance of Christ (2Corinthians 2:15), light of Christ (Isaiah 60:1-2), and the salt (Matthew 5:13) in all that you do and are entrusted with.


  1. God gives the second blessing to Abraham (19). This is the blessing to save the posterity. It says that “For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lordby doing what is right and just.” The way of the Lord is the way of our salvation, and what is right and just is the Gospel. We are to relay this covenant of the gospel. As much as you are confident of the gospel and as much as it becomes your imprint, root, and nature, it will be passed down to your future generations.

1) Physical posterity. Parents are the greatest teachers, blessers, and models. It is modeled by Isaac who obeys Abraham on Mount Moriah (Genesis 22:1-18). Just as Abraham obeyed God, his son Isaac obeys his parents and God. He was the model of Christ (Philippians 2:8).

2) Posterity in the church. One of the things that the Jewish people did well was raising synagogues and saving the posterity. This is the reason for Sunday School, Summit School, and Summit Preschool. We are trying to do what God is about to do. Even if one disciple, spiritual summit, and evangelist is raised through our prayers and devotion, God will be delighted.

3) Posterity in the field. Evangelist Paul sought out posterity and raised disciples wherever he went to prepare for the future (Timothy, Titus, Onesimus). Even if we raise one spiritual child in the missions’ fields, that missions becomes successful missions.


Conclusion – “What God is about to do” – may the covenant be sure within you, may you enjoy the blessing of this covenant and live a life of relaying this covenant.

9_8_24 English Pulpit
