Gideon’s Conquest of the World (Judges 7:1-7) 2/27/2022

The 24 Answer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd RUTC:

                                Gideon’s Conquest of the World (Judges 7:1-7)                                          2/27/2022


Gideon is a representative judge among the 12 judges during the period of judges. He is well-known as the leader who defeated the Midianites, who had tormented the Israelites with a small army of 300. Who were the judges? They were leaders whom God had raised to save Israel whenever they were in crisis. One of the most important works they did was bringing victory in the war against their enemies. What does that signify? It signifies the victory in the spiritual battle that people of God must enjoy their whole life and the way of the conqueror that we must go on. How do wars start in the world? It begins from humans, more specifically from the greed of politicians. They take it as an opportunity to expand their nation’s territory and solidify their position through war. Military power is important to them. Wars in the Bible were different. There were spiritual meanings within them. First, enemies invaded whenever the people of God looked upon something other than God, which became an idol. The Bible repeatedly states that this was why surrounding nations continuously invaded the Israelites during the period of judges. It alludes that Satan can attack anytime if people of God do not enjoy God’s grace and power. Second, spirits of darkness were used behind those who brought suffering to the people of God (Ephesians 6:12). The Holy Spirit brings unity (Ephesians 4:3), but Satan is a spirit that divides and provokes (James 3:14-15). Third, the way to defeat these enemies is to have spiritual power (1 Peter 5:8-9). Therefore, Christ came as our king who destroyed the works of the Devil (1 John 3:8), and Christ still fights for us with the heavenly army that our Father God mobilizes for us (Matthew 26:53, Revelation 17:14). Thus, whenever these judges who had this spiritual mystery appeared, the Bible states that “the land had rest from war” (Joshua 14:15, 1 Samuel 7:13-14, 2 Kings 6:23).


  1. Gideon was a disciple whom God had chosen and raised. This is the identity of all believers and a fundamental aspect of all spiritual battles.

1) God chose Gideon and came to him (Judges 6:11-14).

The Bible repeatedly emphasizes this fact to the saved people. I have chosen you before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-5), I have called you by name and saved you (Romans 8:30), and I will raise you as a royal priesthood and send you to shine the light to the world (1 Peter 2:9).

2) God will be with us for that reason (Judges 6:12 “The Lord is with you, might warrior.”)

We enjoy this blessing the moment we are saved (Matthew 1:22-23). He sends us to the world and promises to be with us to the end of the world, Mark 16:18-20). At that moment, we have already become mighty warriors like Gideon. This is why God calls us the Lord’s troop, the soldier of Christ(Exodus 12:41, Ezekiel 37:10, II Timothy 2:3).

3) What was the condition when He called us like this? There were no conditions. It is God’s absolute grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Gideon, who was the weakest and most lacking, was chosen. Even Gideon knew himself realistically (Judges 6:15).

When I truly discover the me that cannot live without God’s grace, I will be able to live my entire life experiencing God’s grace and power.  

This is why we face various problems and pain, which is the way to deeply experience grace (Deuteronomy 8:15-16).

We are actually unable to protect or save anyone if it is not the grace and power of God. That is the result of Genesis 3.

Starting with Adam, he fell into greed by himself (Genesis 3:5). Therefore, all life born with a corrupted nature after Adam cannot be free from this greed. There are Satan’s scheme and temptation (John 8:44). We cannot overcome Satan by ourselves. The relationship with God was broken, and we were bound to live lives that were destined to fail regardless of how much we struggled (Ephesians 2:1-3). Christ came as the Son of God to solve these three fundamental problems (Romans 8:1-2, 1 John 3:8, John 14:6).


  1. God allowed Gideon to know this spiritual fact and experience it. This is the start of spiritual battles.

We must experience this in all the problems we face, the problems in our family, and those we face in the field.

1) Gideon was told to destroy all the idols in his house before he went to fight the spiritual battle in the field (Judges 6:25-26).  

Idols represent the things (state) that replace God’s place with other things.

We may put ourselves in that place (Genesis 3:5). I sit in God’s place. There is no need for God (Romans 1:28).

Visible carnal things, materialistic things, and eventually, money can be in that place (Genesis 6:3). It is not that we do not need money. However, there is no satisfaction if money becomes a priority and the center of one’s heart, and that becomes evil desires and greed, and that becomes idolatry (Colossians 3:5).

The greed for worldly success can be in that place (Genesis 11:4). Hence, people seek shamanism, fortune-telling, and religions.

2) Gideon experienced that the works of Satan behind these idols were powerless (Judges 6:31-32).  

This incident became an issue in that region, but his father resolved.   

He said, “If Baal [the idol my son has broken] is really a god, he can defend himself.”

Satan can deceive us to fall into discouragement, fear, and rage, but he can never overcome us (“Jerub-Baal”).    

Never be afraid in this world covered in darkness but may you have victory with the faith that looks upon Christ. Especially those who suffer from depression, affliction, and auditory hallucinations, may you fight with the name of Christ (Luke 10:19).


  1. Now, God has given victory and evidence with God’s absolute power. This is the conclusion of spiritual battles.

1) God did not raise an army of many. He said to raise 300. What was the standard?

God used two types of people. They were people who only looked upon God and did not fear, and those who were awake and prepared. Although 33,000 people gathered, those afraid of the impending war were told to go back (Judges 7:3). God sought those who had faith. Only faith allows one to enjoy the power of the Holy Spirit, the blessing of the throne, and spiritual victory (Mark 16:17). Those who lap the water with their tongues as dog laps were separated. They signified the awake and praying believers (1 Peter 5:8).

2) It was then that God showed evidence. That was the power of the Holy Spirit, the blessing of the throne, and unprecedented work.

The enemies had strange dreams that filled them with fear of losing the war (Judges 7:10-14). The 300 soldiers were divided into three groups and were told to do something with three things.

They were instructed to blow trumpets. They were to hold onto the covenant of victory that Christ gives us as they blow trumpets made of sheep’s horns.    

They were instructed to break empty jars.  It was a strategy to confuse the enemy with the noise, but it also meant to discard and empty my standard, scars, and unbelief.

They were instructed to hold torches on the other hand. It represents the power of light that shines onto darkness. That is the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of the throne.


Conclusion – There was something the 300 shouted during this war. “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!” God will bring victory in all battles for only God’s glory. May the blessing that Gideon and the 300 enjoyed become ours.

2.27.2022 English Pulpit
