Spiritual Leader Who Saves the Family (Deuteronomy 6:1-9) 10/10/2021

The Field of Answers of 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

                      Spiritual Leader Who Saves the Family (Deuteronomy 6:1-9)                   10/10/2021


Verse two of the passage says that the blessings and answers the Israelites will receive when they enter Canaan will be enjoyed by “you, your children, and their children after them.” Deuteronomy 7:9 says that God keeps “his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.” This blessing is recorded in Genesis 20:5-6 and the ten commandments as well. This blessing is the “household blessing.” God has given this covenant to all believers and parents. You must hold onto this covenant when getting married and having children. Were you an unbeliever, or did your household worship idols? Your household needs to change into this blessing through you alone. Four women are mentioned in Jesus’ lineage in Matthew 1. They are Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. They were women who were questionable to have been mentioned in Jesus’ lineage. They were married to men from the tribe of Judah. David’s kingdom was established through their descendants, and later, Jesus was born. Although we are lacking, we have the covenant to enjoy this blessing.


  1. Why is the blessing to save the household important? There are at least three reasons.

1) This blessing is a blessing and glory that we will enjoy.

If the children who grow up through me become important figures used by God, that is God-given prize of all prizes (Psalms 127:3-5). It said that enemies would not be able to put them to shame.

2) It is the greatest blessing and devotion that parents and the 1st generation can give to their descendants.   

Many things can shift from one side to the other depending on what kind of spiritual background and support they receive from their family and parents. Therefore, it was emphasized that Moses was born between a Levite woman and man (Exodus 2:1). This is also why Samuel’s lineage as Ephraim’s descendant and grandfathers’ names four generations above him were recorded (1 Samuel 1:1).

3) There is another conclusive reason. A household becomes an instrument to save each age until the Lord returns to this earth.

How wonderful would it be if world evangelization is fully achieved in this age I live in, and the Lord comes? Even the 12 disciples could not finish world evangelization. The next age needs to be done by the next generation. We are raising the evangelist, disciple, and spiritual leader who will be used within that. That is the absolute reason we must save our household and the absolute conclusion to why we must receive the household blessing.


  1. What does the household that we must hold onto and save symbolize? There are three kinds of households in the world.

1) A merely physical household. It is the household of an unbeliever.   

Many families abuse their children because they do not know the blessing of children. Some think of children as their own possession or compensation. Thus, some go beyond affection for their bloodline and live with an obsession. That causes many conflicts and problems. Genesis 4 in the Bible records the history of Cain’s descendants. They arose and developed the world. However, the Bible warns that the world continuously crumbled and corrupted due to Cain’s descendants who lived without God (Genesis 4:24).

2) A household that God chose and blesses. It is not simply a believer’s household but one that is in the covenant.

It is a household with the covenant, the stream of the covenant, and evidence of the covenant. To have the covenant means that the members of that household are saved in Christ (Acts 16:31). To have the flow of the covenant means that they enjoy God’s grace and are continuously experiencing the works of the Holy Spirit. Having evidence of the covenant means that their life receives God’s blessings, and they will be used as witnesses to the world.

In place of Abel, who was killed by his brother Cain, God allowed Seth to be born and established a covenantal household (Genesis 5).

What were their traits? They feared God, were with God, and left behind the God-given covenant and blessing to their posterity. Enoch, Methuselah, and Noah came from through their descendants.

Abraham’s household was born through one of Noah’s three sons, Seth. 

The twelve tribes of Israel (chosen believers of the Old Testament) were made through Isaac and Jacob, descendants of Abraham. God accurately used the twelve tribes and made households of people of the covenant and used them. Priests like Moses and Aaron were raised through the tribe of Levi, David’s kingdom was established through the tribe of Judah, and judges like Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Jair, and Abdon and Samuel through Joseph’s tribe led Israel.

3) There is another important household. It is a household that is raised through spiritual descendants.

Jesus never married and thus, naturally had no physical children (Matthew 12:48-50).

However, he raised the 12 apostles and 70 laymen disciples and became the model that fulfilled world evangelization on earth.

It was the same for Paul. He lived alone his entire life and also had no children.

However, all the disciples he raised in the field by evangelizing were like his spiritual children (1 Corinthians 4:15, 1 Timothy 1:3, Titus 1:4). These spiritual children were with him until the very last moment he was called by God, and eventually, the world evangelization of that age was fulfilled. All believers in Christ are God’s eternal family and household. The church is where you experience this in advance.


  1. How can we stand as people who save and raise these households? That is the passage.

1) The parents’ spiritual state (verse 4-6). Enjoy God deeply and save me first. It is directly relayed, and that is how you can save the household.

We are called “Israel.” It was a covenant that was given to Jacob, who was weak and a failure. It means that we are people who have the covenant.  

The God who gave us the covenant is the “unique God.”

He became our unique God that saved us through His Son’s life. Whatever we do, we must look upon God’s unique love, perfect plan, and absolute power.

How do we look upon Him?

To be sealed signifies that I belong to God and means that He has set me apart to use me. The passage states With all our “heart, soul, and strength.” This is 24. The start to the heart is one’s thoughts. The soul is the filling of the Holy Spirit that enjoys God’s deep things. That is when the power that transcends me comes.

2) There needs to be a covenant that we hold onto within us. That is the Word (verse 6).

It said to imprint the given Word in our heart (all in). Eventually, what is imprinted in the parents is externally exerted (all-out). What is rooted in the parents bear fruit in the posterity. The parent’s spiritual nature creates the spiritual stream of the household (all change).

3) When I hold onto this Word and help my children (verse 7-9), they become the summits to save the age.

Give the answer of the Word to your children. Have a forum about the Word that I hold onto and enjoy. The blessing of a spiritual summit (spiritual leader), skill summit (talent and specialty), and cultural summit (evangelism and missions) are revealed in the posterity.


Conclusion – Save my spiritual state first. Start by holding onto the covenant and pray. He will show me the works that I must do (mission, internship, life forum). May we stand as the spiritual leaders who save our household for this age’s world evangelization.

10.10.2021 english
