The Blessing to Enjoy in the Feast of Thanksgiving (Deuteronomy 16:13-16)

The Field of Answers of 1st 2nd 3rd RUTC:

       The Blessing to Enjoy in the Feast of Thanksgiving (Deuteronomy 16:13-16)


It is a season of thanksgiving for all the blessings that were given this year. Biblically, it is a Feast of Ingathering, Feast of Tabernacles, and Feast of Shelter. These are a conclusive and eternal blessing that the believer saved by the blood of the Passover and in the power of the Holy Spirit that came during the Pentecost will enjoy. What does it mean to be saved by the blood of the Passover? It means that we have been eternally delivered from our sin, curses, destiny, and hell through Christ’s death on the cross. He took my place in receiving my curses made me into someone who will enjoy God’s blessings (Ephesians 1:3-5). The Holy Spirit who came during the Pentecost helps us to enjoy this blessing practically. He teaches us, protects us, and guides us (John 14:16-18). It all depends on who helps us. That reassures us.



  1. There are three conclusive blessings God desires to do through us by doing this.

1) It is the blessing of the Feast of Ingathering (Exodus 34:22). The Feast of Ingathering signifies that the fruit of our labor is being gathered in heaven’s storage.

It does not merely store anything. There are levels to well-made produce. Their color and taste are different. It is a masterpiece.   

God tells us He will make us His fruit and masterpiece. Our very life becomes God’s fruit, and everything we do will become God’s masterpiece. This is the promise in verse 15 of today’s passage which says, “the Lord God will bless you in all the works of your hands.”

Everything becomes God’s masterpiece when we look upon Him and enjoy His grace and power (1 Corinthians 15:10).  

All the remnants enjoyed this blessing. They became a masterpiece regardless of becoming a slave, old, and captives. Therefore, memo and document everything. Raise remnants with this faith.

2) It is the blessing of the Feast of Tabernacles (Deuteronomy16:13-17).

This means that God will be with us in us to make us into His masterpiece. That is why we are called God’s tabernacle and temple (1 Corinthians 3:16). Our life becomes set with the nine blessings as much as we enjoy this blessing.

The power of the throne, the power that transcends time and space, and the power of light that saves the 237 nations take place in my life (three powers of transcendence).

From that moment on, my life becomes a platform to save others. People gather, and the finances to do world evangelization come together as well.

From then on, my life becomes a watchman’s watchtower that shines the light on the world (three works of life).

It is revealing Christ’s light through me. People’s spirits are saved through me (Genesis 1:27), receive eternal life (Genesis 2:7), and enjoy God’s eternal blessings (Genesis 2:1-18). This is evangelism and missions.

My life becomes a spiritual antenna that draws in God’s unprecedented answers (three unprecedented evidence).

Evidence comes forth from my life, the church I serve, and all fields I work in.

3) It is the blessing of the Feast of Shelters (Leviticus 23:41-43).

If the nine blessings mentioned previously become my life’s setting, then my life also becomes a successful life in the world. However, the problem is when one enjoys the blessing but loses its heart there and becomes arrogant, thinking that it is all of life.

Everything in this world eventually passes. It said that it is like a mist that appears for a bit of time and vanishes (James 4:14).

Therefore, it said to build a temporary shelter outside of the home when keeping this feast.

This is what it meant when it said not to store up treasures on earth (Matthew 6:19-20).      It attracts moths and thieves.

Store up all labor, devotion, and offering in heaven. If we stack it in our eternal home, it becomes something to enjoy forever (Galatians 6:7-8).


  1. Three things come forth when we hold onto these three conclusive blessings as a covenant(Life of Evangelist)

1) It is true faith. It is constant faith and a 24-hour faith.

There is nothing to envy in this world and no reason to be dismayed and be scarred from the things that pass. Change your faith by fixing your eyes on the things above and eternal. True enjoyment and joy come from this (Habakkuk 3:17-18).

2) It is true thanksgiving. It is constant thanksgiving and 24-hour thanksgiving.

Everything is a condition for thanksgiving for us (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). True prayer comes from this (Philippians 4:6-7). Therefore, it said that no one should come empty-handed but must come with gifts in proportion to one’s ability when keeping this feast in verses 16-17 of the passage.

Even failures are answers. This does not mean to fail continuously.  

It is the greatest opportunity to renew my life covered in scars into a vessel that can store God’s blessing. Have you failed? Truthfully acknowledge it before God, look upon God’s grace then, and think about renewal.

Suffering and persecutions are also answers. It will come as blessings that all enemies and adversaries will see.

This was why Daniel was not afraid of being thrown into the lion’s den and held onto the covenant and prayed just as he had done before (Daniel 6:10).

Discover God’s answers and blessings in all the problems and events that transpire (Jeremiah 33:3).  

24-hour prayer comes from this. It is not an average prayer. It is a prayer that contains a faith holding onto the covenant and thanksgiving. Think about the day’s work and pray when you open your eyes in the morning, pray in all the work and events throughout the day, and pray while listening to the message at night. Then, healing will take place even while you sleep.

3) It is true evangelism and missions. Constant evangelism and lifelong missions will take place. 

This was one of the things that the Puritans did well when they celebrated their first thanksgiving.  

They invited the native people who had helped them in difficulty, shared food, had worship, and evangelized. It is the same reason the passage tells us to invite the foreigners, orphans, and widows and celebrate together when keeping this feast (verse 14).

Our evangelism and missions save me, the people I meet, which becomes a future and eternal blessing.

Solve everything through evangelism and missions. If you want to save the 237 and 5,000 people groups especially focus on the multi-ethnic and TCK. Therefore, God must work upon us through the 9 blessings and raise many church officers.


Conclusion –Hold onto these conclusive blessings that God gives us this thanksgiving once again. My life becomes God’s masterpiece and tabernacle and becomes set with the 9 blessings. It becomes a blessing not only on earth but an eternal blessing. May you hold onto this covenant and restore the three true things (constant faith 24 faith, constant thanksgiving 24 thanksgiving, constant evangelism, and lifelong missions).

11.20.2021 english
